Doum76, watching your videos again....
Thanks again for all your tips and advice,r eally appreciated, lots of info for me stuff to digest, but absolutly nice.
I did practice a bit yesterday Formation, and the night before, only way i found to practice is with FSRecoder, recording a flight, then play as traffic, couldn't customize the IMC mission to make it Day light, and clear skies weather, when i save the game, when i load it afterwards, it buggs, the Leads appear, then flu straight ahead, like he's supersonic, and goes 3 nm away in a flash.
Anyways, i rather practice with straight flying first. before folowing in deceleration and altitude changes.
I did massive improvement, the only problem in my way to master it sort of, is crap Lag i get when flying with a second aicraft, doesn't do it in Missions, but with play as Traffic, the otehr aircraft leaps a lot of times, forward and backwars, about 4-5 feet in a sec, completly makes it tougher for perfect formation with flash adjusement like that on speed, and since i think my former flight i wasn't truely wing leveled, so when it leaps liek that it also makes it either comes closer or ferther away, which also needs to reajust bank, but still, lot better, jsut also having a bit of problem to align the winf tip witht he lead's head box, the flat nozle alignement ain't much of a problem, just the proximity of the lead, specialy because of the leaping lag, gotta make some search on google for forums that might has stuff on that.
I'll make a few min video later on, to show improvement and that annoying lag, at least i made FreeTrack not laggy in FSX anymore by making it's processing over normal in the Task Manager, makes formation fly more fun and easy by only moving the head to follow the lead, lol, specialy when leaping 4-5 feet back with the lag. I say 4-5 feet, but much more than that, usualy it leaps almost the distance from the tip of the Radar Casing, to about a foot inside the canopy.