Author Topic: White flickering patches on runway and parking area  (Read 9083 times)


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White flickering patches on runway and parking area
« on: April 11, 2015, 08:22:00 pm »
Hi I just purchased the JFK v2 and noticed a white flickering patch at the end of runway 04R after landing. I have done it several times just to see if it's a one-time thing but it has occurred everytime in various conditions. It is also present at one particular spot near taxiway by gate3.

When I initially installed the software a week ago I didn't notice it. I loaded the new GSX for the 1st time and then I saw it. When I installed GSX it did prompt me stating that it will be updating files and I think AFCDA. Not sure if that was the cause. Not sure if this is a known issue.

Also I noticed that there are no textures with the FX Instant Replay feature. Is this my design or a bug?

I have no additional add-ons this is the only scenery or airport one installed.

Any explanation would be greatly appreciated.


« Last Edit: April 11, 2015, 08:28:00 pm by cortina »


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Re: White flickering patches on runway and parking area
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2015, 10:02:26 pm »
Hi I just purchased the JFK v2 and noticed a white flickering patch at the end of runway 04R after landing. I have done it several times just to see if it's a one-time thing but it has occurred everytime in various conditions. It is also present at one particular spot near taxiway by gate3.

Please make a screenshot, because nobody ever reported it before.

I loaded the new GSX for the 1st time and then I saw it. When I installed GSX it did prompt me stating that it will be updating files and I think AFCDA. Not sure if that was the cause. Not sure if this is a known issue.

GSX can't possibly have anything to do with this. If you just purchased JFK, the AFCAD that downloaded GSX was exactly the same the JFK installer downloaded, an no other files from JFK are changed by GSX.

Also I noticed that there are no textures with the FX Instant Replay feature. Is this my design or a bug?

This is to be expected. The default FSX replay feature is not compatible with objects created at run-time, like all our sceneries ( and GSX too )


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Re: White flickering patches on runway and parking area
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2015, 01:56:47 am »
Sorry, how do I attach a photo shot. Everytime I try the attached option and attach the destination I get this message

"Your session timed out while posting. Please try to re-submit your message.
No subject was filled in.
The message body was left empty".

"Ctrl v" doesn't work and "insert image"  doesn't really insert any image. I tried doing it a few ways.

Your help is really appreciated.


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Re: White flickering patches on runway and parking area
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2015, 09:07:31 pm »
You are probably trying to attach an unreasonably large file. Try to save whatever picture you made as JPG format.


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Re: White flickering patches on runway and parking area
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2015, 12:19:06 am »
Thanks for the suggestion. Attached are the photos.

The other photo was taken during Instant Replay. No texture for the replay, is this normal?

« Last Edit: April 13, 2015, 12:21:41 am by cortina »


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Re: White flickering patches on runway and parking area
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2015, 09:51:20 am »
Thanks for the suggestion. Attached are the photos.

It's not very clear, but it seems there are default scenery buildings mixed in, and of course the default runway showing through. This looks like a conflict caused by another scenery. The most common cause of such conflicts are AFCADs supplied with AI Traffic packages ( like MyTraffic, Traffic 360, etc. ) that are supposed to be used with the default scenery, but shouldn't be used with addons.

You can try using the free FSX Airport Scanner utility to search for AFCAD duplicates at KJFK and remove all the extra, not in the FSDT folder.

The other photo was taken during Instant Replay. No texture for the replay, is this normal?

As I've said in my previous reply, yes. The default FSX replay feature is not compatible with objects created at run-time, like all our sceneries ( and GSX too ). You can use FS Recorder as a replacement, which works correctly.


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Re: White flickering patches on runway and parking area
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2015, 06:13:03 pm »
Thanks for your response.

Ok, I have no add-ons. This is the very first add-on I have. There is no AI Traffic, my Traffic or any global add-on so there shouldn't be any conflicts of any kind. Just to be extra sure I will do what you suggested which is to get to Airport scanner and check for any duplicates.

This is a brand new high performance rig I just bought, so I am very careful as to what I add and where. I have been simming for 29 years so I am quite aware of conflicting sceneries, Dll's etc.etc ;)

Will scan and let you know.

Best Regards.


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Re: White flickering patches on runway and parking area
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2015, 09:28:19 pm »
I based my reply on your screenshot. And your screenshot shows there's a scenery in conflict. If it's not an AFCAD, it might be a mesh scenery. Are you *sure* you haven't installed anything ?

I cannot see any of the patches in your screenshot and nobody else reported it. And, when someone reports it something similar, it's *always* caused by either a conflicting AFCAD or a 3rd party mesh. The AFCAD is just the most common cause.

Of course, I assume JFK is on top of the Scenery Library (which is where the installer installs it by default) or, at least, on top anything that might conflict with it.


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Re: White flickering patches on runway and parking area
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2015, 06:44:14 pm »
Sorry you are not able to see the white patched on the runway. When I click on the photo I can actually see it not exactly sure why it's not quite visible.

Actually, thinking back I did install an Airport add-on when I first bought my PC 3 months ago but uninstalled it a day later because I didn't like. After the uninstall I went into the directories to make sure nothing else was left of the scenery. Maybe something did get left behind.

Yes your airport is at the top of the scenery library.

Where and what files exactly should I be looking for in terms of duplicates. I want to make sure I remove the correct conflicting file(s).

Thanks again.

Best Regards.


PS: Are you folks looking a providing a "Follow Me Car" in GSX from the Gate to the runway similar like to have from the runway to the gate? The would be cool.


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Re: White flickering patches on runway and parking area
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2015, 10:05:31 pm »
Sorry you are not able to see the white patched on the runway. When I click on the photo I can actually see it not exactly sure why it's not quite visible.

I cannot see it in my sim!! I can clearly see it in YOUR screenshot, which is why I said you have some kind of conflict.

Where and what files exactly should I be looking for in terms of duplicates. I want to make sure I remove the correct conflicting file(s).

As I've said, should first try the free FSX Airport Scanner utility to look for AFCAD duplicates. However, this would only find for AFCAD duplicates ( BGL file with airport data inside ). If you have another kind of conflict, like a mesh scenery, that utility can't help you, and you must find the file manually.

Do you see some difference if you change the Mesh Complexity slider ? If yes, then you would know for sure the issue is caused by a mesh scenery, maybe a global product, like FS Global, etc. not necessarily something related to the NY area.


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Re: White flickering patches on runway and parking area
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2015, 06:18:43 pm »

Thanks for your response. I ran the FSX Airport scanner and as predicted no AFCAD duplicates. I changed the Mesh Complexity slider in numerous positions and nothing changed, I also changed other settings and nothing. I even tried changing the season to determine if it’s maybe just a snow patch not rendering properly?

If I need to look for mesh duplicates, which directories exactly should I be looking in and what are the specific file names. What are the file EXT? There are lots of files out there.

I uninstalled JFK v2 and then reinstalled it. Did the same run and the runway looked fine no issue, but then the issue (flickering white patch) reappeared after approximately 5 mins sitting on the turnoff. I absolutely have no add-ons on my PC, global or local to that Airport, I am totally lost now. I have been simming for 29 years and not saw this before.

I will keep playing around with my Graphics Card settings and also check for any Graphic Card updates, who knows.

Worse case I can reinstall FSX from scratch. Very last resort.

Thanks for your patience and support I appreciate it.




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Re: White flickering patches on runway and parking area
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2015, 07:16:07 pm »
I uninstalled JFK v2 and then reinstalled it. Did the same run and the runway looked fine no issue, but then the issue (flickering white patch) reappeared after approximately 5 mins sitting on the turnoff

This clearly indicates it's a mesh problem, because FSX is always taking a bit of time to load the complete scenery outside. I'm sorry, but there's no naming convention for mesh files, especially 3rd party ones, and any .BGL can contain a mesh.


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Re: White flickering patches on runway and parking area
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2015, 05:35:38 pm »
Hi Umberto;

Thanks for your response. I did see some similar posts on this forum of somewhat similar symptoms with others and they all seem to be centered on settings; so I am going to start playing with my graphics card settings and see what happens. Again, I have no add-ons what so ever so I am not going to start messing around with mesh and or scenery files. My system is fine and I don't want to start manipulating files.

I uninstalled JFK v2 and GSK last night so everything is back to scratch and normal now.

This evening I am going to reinstall JFK and test it. This time I will incrementally increase my setting to see if it makes a difference and take it from there.  I will also like to download a demo version for another airport and see if I get similar issues.

I am planning on getting at least two more of your other products (Chicago and LAX) if not more, but want to make sure this is not persistent across the board for me.

Thanks again.