Products Support > XPOI FSX/P3D

Couatl manager disappears from add-ons menu after 10 seconds **SOLVED**

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You already reported the same problem a month ago, and you said it was fixed:,11693.0.html

Yeah...but it happened again.

For no logical reason the Couatl engine shuts down. I think the VC++ 2013 runtime gets corrupted every once and a while.

After running the latest addonmanager, VC++ 2013 was again automatically installed, and the Couatl engine showed up again and stayed in the add-ons menu, but I couldn't activate anything!

I had the Feeling, that VC++ 2013 wasn't running correct and restarted Windows. Now everything works again!

...If I only knew why  :-[

GRHHH....Couatl is gone again!

...and I can't produce a couatl.err (even though the GSX -Trouble Shooting is active)

What is causing this?  >:(

I have spent all afternoon turning security off and running the Setup_addonmanager again and again. I had Couatl working once - then it disappeared again; and now I just can't get Couatl to appear again in the add-ons menu. And of course I can't use XPOI and GSX without the engine!

This is beginning to become very upsetting. I have so many products in use that cause absolutely no problems since they were installed. Why are Couatl and XPOI so instable and go haywire every once in a while for no understandable reason? I did nothing to cause XPOI or Couatl to go corrupt. I used the XPOI program two days ago and left the XPOI facilities on when I turned FSX off. The next time I started FSX the XPOI facilities and the Couatl Manager were visible for 10 seconds and then suddenly the facility markers disappeared and the Couatl manager vanished in the add-ons menu. That is really weird! What could turn off XPOI and clobber your Couatl Manager after they both worked correctly for 10 seconds?

I enjoy your products and I am a good paying customer, and I would like to get my programs running again. I hope you people get this solved. Somehow I feel that XPOI is causing this trouble.

What do you advise me to do? Should I re-install Couatl, XPOI and GSX?


--- Quote from: earnorbust on April 07, 2015, 06:33:15 pm ---What do you advise me to do? Should I re-install Couatl, XPOI and GSX?
--- End quote ---

Try XPOI, GSX and the latest Stand-Alone Addon Manager.


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