Products Support > XPOI FSX/P3D

Couatl manager disappears from add-ons menu after 10 seconds **SOLVED**

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--- Quote from: earnorbust on April 08, 2015, 08:50:34 pm ---Like the last time, I reinstalled everything in the exact order you advised and XPOI, GSX and Couatl are working again.
--- End quote ---

Of course they do, that's why I said to do it.

--- Quote ---Now - how do we find out why this has happened twice and how to stop it from occuring again?
--- End quote ---

If will only happen if you install an older version of XPOI using an older installer, and forget to reinstall the Stand-Alone Addon Manager after it.

If you use the current XPOI installer, there's shouldn't be any need to update the Stand-Alone Addon Manager installer after the installation.

OK...I will take your word for granted.
Consider this post as solved and you may close it now.



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