Products Support > XPOI FSX/P3D

Couatl manager disappears from add-ons menu after 10 seconds **SOLVED**

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XPOI is the culprit!

I unstalled XPOI and ran the addonmanager. Now the Couatl Manager is back again (with GSX) and stays intact!

I will not use XPOI again until you guys figure out what's wrong with it.



--- Quote from: earnorbust on April 07, 2015, 06:55:36 pm ---XPOI is the culprit!
--- End quote ---

No, it's not.

--- Quote ---I unstalled XPOI and ran the addonmanager. Now the Couatl Manager is back again (with GSX) and stays intact!
--- End quote ---

That's not what I said to do. I said to try installing XPOI, GSX and the Addon Manager at the last thing. Have you tried doing that ?

--- Quote ---I will not use XPOI again until you guys figure out what's wrong with it.
--- End quote ---

Before answering to you, I loaded FSX, went to the same airport indicated in your log ( you edited your message, so there's no Couatl.LOG anymore, but I assure you I tried the same airport) with XPOI enabled, and had all the points visible, stayed for 5 minutes on the runway, and nothing happened, everything was working.

But to reproduce it in the same condition, you should also send your XPOI.INI file, to see exactly which icons you had enabled.

But, we ALREADY HAD the same discussion last month, you already sent your XPOI.INI file, I said it worked here, you first said the Couatl menu disappeared entirely (not after 10 or 20 seconds), then you said that by installing the Stand-Alone Addon Manager last, the issue was fixed.

So, do you want to try again the whole procedure ?

Dear Umberto

You are taking this too personal. I don't blaim you for creating a wonderful software product that malfunctions once and awhile. I know that Software can cause problems, because you cannot test all possible Hardware and Software influences of customer environments. I am trying to be helpful so that this problem does not reoccur.  All I know is, that the products were working, and then they stopped working with no (for me) understandable cause. The only Thing I remember was, that I shutdown FSX with the XPOI facilities left on both times (which I normally don't do). At the next FSX start, the error occured as explained. And again, if I would search for the solution, it would seem plausible to investigate why the XPOI and Couatl products run correctly for 10 seconds - and then suddenly vanish. That is weird. How could that happen? What circumstance could cause this strange outcome? Usually products don't work at all when something is wrong. But a product working first and then suddenly vanishing on its own is strange, don't you agree? Surely this observation is an important lead to investigate the scource of the problem. And I still feel that XPOI is the cause, because I seldom use it, and GSX and Couatl have always worked fine together, never causing any problems.

Of course I will follow your advice and reinstall all the products as you advise.
But that doesn't stop this problem from happening again, as we now both know.

best regards


--- Quote ---The only Thing I remember was, that I shutdown FSX with the XPOI facilities left on both times (which I normally don't do). At the next FSX start, the error occured as explained.
--- End quote ---

I also tested this specific case, no problems.

--- Quote from: earnorbust on April 08, 2015, 08:06:54 am ---Of course I will follow your advice and reinstall all the products as you advise.
--- End quote ---

This was the only thing you had to do, after you confirm you did that, exactly as I've asked, then we can proceed with further troubleshooting.

--- Quote ---But that doesn't stop this problem from happening again, as we now both know.
--- End quote ---

No. If it happened, if would happen to everybody, not just you...

Dear Umberto

Like the last time, I reinstalled everything in the exact order you advised and XPOI, GSX and Couatl are working again.
Now - how do we find out why this has happened twice and how to stop it from occuring again?

Robert  ???


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