Products Support > XPOI FSX/P3D

Couatl manager disappears from add-ons menu after 10 seconds **SOLVED**

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Hi Support

What is going on with the couatl engine?
Every time I load FSX the couatl facilities (activated) from the vicinity show up and then disappear after 10 seconds incl. the Couatl Manager from the add-ons menu.

I don't understand the reason.

With "Couatl facilities from the vicinity", do you mean the facilities of the XPOI program ?


Try to enable logging in the troubleshooting section of the "GSX - Settings" page, and see ( after an FSX restart, a following the disappearance of the Couatl menu ) if there are any problems reported in the Couatl.ERF and/or Couatl.LOG files under %APPDATA%\Microsoft\FSX

Also, check you have the XPOI objects installed correctly. If you are not sure, reinstall XPOI, using the latest installer.

Do you also have a Couatl.ERR file ?


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