I should also add all my FSDreamTeam airports lost their buildings and I unregistered and re-registered each one before the problem was solved.
As explained many times on the forum, loss of buildings doesn't have ANYTHING to do with the activation. If the system loses the activation for any reason, like a change or hardware or a Windows reinstall, or a corrupted registry, the scenery will NOT disappear! It will revert running in TRIAL MODE, which means everything will show up, but for 5 minutes per session. The Trial never, ever expires. It's just you cannot use the scenery for more than 5 minutes per FSX session, not 5 minutes in total.
This means, if you don't see buildings, it doesn't mean you have an activation problem, it means that something is preventing the software to work, so deactivating and reactivating it's totally useless.
I see a notice was published over at FlightBeam about a new bug with VC++ 2013 that required a patch. Here's the link.
There's no bug anywhere in the VC++ 2013, it's just that the updated version of the Addon Manager files now requires the VC++ 2013 runtimes, which might be or not already installed in your system but, since this is downloaded automatically by any of the installers, if you run an OLD version of our installers, and you don't have the VC++ 2013 runtimes installed in your system, it won't work so, you can do one of the following:
- Download and install the Stand-Alone Addon Manager for FSX, which now contains and install the VC++ 2013 runtimes
- Download and install the VC++ 2013 runtimes from Microsoft
- Download and install the latest version of the full installer of the FSDT product you are trying to reinstall, because they are all being updated to install the VC++ 2013 runtimes too. This might be a bit overkill, but it will work too.
This, assuming your problem IS the missing VC++ 2013 runtimes, which might be or not the case.
Do you have BOTH the "Addon Manager" menu and the "Couatl powered products" menus under the FSX "Addons" menu ? Do you miss just one menu, or both ?
Or you have both menus visible, but the scenery still doesn't show ?