I apologize if this is redundant. I am 99% sure UT2 is the culprit. I attempted to install UT2 via the EMT and then encountered this:
http://gyazo.com/b8feda86f326e6e7040337b4a7342ce0I uninstalled all of the UT2 items, and reinstalled the addon manager as directed... Yet I continue to get this even after rebooting, and double checking that all UT2 items had been removed.
When I check the Couatl.err file it reads this:
couatl v2.0 (build 2378)
panic log started on Wed Apr 01 23:22:41 2015
problem raised by engine or unspecified addonExecutable integrity compromised
Also, this is from the CouatlAddons if you need it:
major_version_installed = "8401cb-4-50ecdb8bc8380"
live_version_ignore = "8438e8-9ca08-50ef5d18cdf40"
live_version_installed = "8438e8-9ca08-50ef5d18cdf40"
last_check = 1427948439.15
major_version_ignore = "8401cb-4-50ecdb8bc8380"
Any advice?