Author Topic: Flares for the Hornet  (Read 27302 times)


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Re: Flares for the Hornet
« Reply #30 on: October 15, 2008, 12:22:56 am »
Hey guys,
Great work. love what u've done. U guys are no where near as "average joe simmer" as u play it off as.

I have a question. is it possible to add on other effects like chaff or other things with the codes your using or are these pre programmed code skeletons that u guys are tweaking to suit your purposes. I think a full package with the flares and maybe some other diversionary devices like chaff or anything else u guys can think of would be an awesome addition to a very awesome plane.

Great Stuff,

"Get It Up, Get It On, Get It Down"
-Blue Angels
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Re: Flares for the Hornet
« Reply #31 on: October 15, 2008, 02:29:21 am »
Blakie; My original flare effect was created by dissecting one of the fire works effects.
Once Razgriz showed me how to attach smoke effects and Voodoo helped me with
placing and locating those effects. After that I just studied the effect files before and
after removing and replacing lines of code, An awful lot trial and error and more time than
I really would admit to my wife  ::) is what it took,, its too bad that microsoft wouldn't
add a tweekers guide along with the programs to open and " PLAY " with all the files.Since
the original install of FSX was 15 or more GIGs. I am sure it wouldn't have been too much
of a stretch for the Simulator Creators to part with some of that knowledge. Imagine how
the all effects could be " Enhanced '' after the fact by tweekers  that are guided by
the love  of a past time and not the been counters in the board room. Maybe,when
they release FS11 ,we can only hope.
Should we start a petition ?  ;D ;D


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Re: Flares for the Hornet
« Reply #32 on: October 15, 2008, 02:42:57 am »
Blakie ; I will see what I can come up with. Chaff sounds like a good idea. 8)


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Re: Flares for the Hornet
« Reply #33 on: October 16, 2008, 11:10:02 pm »
Hey Randy,
So which fire works effects are u talking about. I'm a novice simmer with FSX being my only experience.  So which fireworks are we talking about? I haven't played around with my F-18 alot so if there is a fireworks effect i wouldnt know. could u elaborate?

"Get It Up, Get It On, Get It Down"
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Re: Flares for the Hornet
« Reply #34 on: October 17, 2008, 03:10:44 am »
If you click on my name to get my profile,check back to my  post's on july 13
and june 30  . I am not sure of the firework effect I tore apart I think it was 
fx-firework15  that effect file made a square firework explosion and each
of the sides of that square have an Emitter ,Particle and ParticleAttributes paragraph
I just deleted one paragraph at a time until I found the line of fireworks that I
wanted to manipulate, at that point it was trial and error,changing numbers,etc
until I achieved what I found acceptable. That and the help from Voodoo and
Razgriz .
It doesn't hurt to play around just be sure to have your files that you are playing with
Backed UP ( more than once I have had to Uninstall and re-install the whole of FSX
because of my stupidity ,and not backing up of files )
To find out which effect files do what I added these lines to the end of the hornets
CFG file

smoke.0=-39.79, 18.61, 0.62, fx_flareEffect15
smoke.1=-39.91, -18.67, 0.6, fx_flareEffect15

to activate the effect get the hornet flying straight and level on auto-pilot and when
ready press  " I " on the key board
To change or try another effect change the lines above from fx_flareEffect15
to    fx_flareEffect10     as an example
Feel free to ask questions as the only stupid question is the one you don't ask
If I cant help there are a lot of others  on this forum that are willing to help