Author Topic: C9 EHAM Installation quandary  (Read 168997 times)


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C9 EHAM Installation quandary
« on: March 18, 2015, 05:13:04 pm »
Hello, I have a number of FSDT sceneries running quite well in FS9 on my Win7 (64-bit) Home Premium rig which uses the ATI Radeon HD 7470 (2GB, with latest updates) graphics card. {Yes it is a barely OK card but it is what I have}. As stated all the FSDT sceneries run very well with UTraffic 100% populated, ASE weather generated, detailed textured clouds: the usual fs-geek applications running. I have Ultimate Terrain Europe installed.

However, I cannot get my Cloud9 Amsterdam installed correctly without some anomalies such as when I go to active runway in the default C172 and look around there are no buildings, just runways. However as I come round from a quick circuit I see all the buildings and scenery. My default FS9 Amsterdam scenery is NOT disabled.

I installed C9 EHAM using the latest installer, v1.04, downloaded from FSDT and have FSDT's Addon Manager for FS9 installed - though I cannot seem to locate the Addon Manager's front-end application to make sure the installation is correct.
I uninstalled Amsterdam using Revo Uninstaller Pro. Removed the Cloud9 directory, which is where I kept my reg file for this file, then ran Registry FirstAid to make sure its tentacles did not remain. Ran AES to make sure it is not seeing it. Went into FS9 and when I go to the active runway from my home airport at KPNE all is as the default EHAM.
Installing I click on the FSDT "cloud9_eham_fs9_setup" downloaded again yesterday (17, March.15), the installation runs fine. I run AES to enable that software's abilities (which will warn me if I am not installing the v1.04 version), then go into FS9, go to the active runway and - voila, a mess!
1-Is it possible to run the FSDT Addon Manager as a standalone utility? If so, how do I access that because I can not locate its executable (I am guessing it is simply a dll running within the sim and cannot be accessed as a standalone configurator?
2-How do I get my Amsterdam Schiphol running as it should?
A*n*y suggestions would be welcome.
Thank you, in advance,
don lively
ps: I was one of the original beta-testers (as "D.Lively") for this software but I know not to use any of the old cloud9 installers.


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Re: C9 EHAM Installation quandary
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2015, 05:14:38 pm »
I installed C9 EHAM using the latest installer, v1.04, downloaded from FSDT and have FSDT's Addon Manager for FS9 installed - though I cannot seem to locate the Addon Manager's front-end application to make sure the installation is correct.

This means you don't have the Addon Manager under the FS9 menu bar ?


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Got me stumped
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2015, 11:00:43 pm »
If it is located within the fs9 as a header I do have it. And when I click on C9 Amsterdam all the appropriate statuses are grayed out showing it is activated and the animations are all checked.
The layering is the AES topmost, then airport, city then terrain, I think it is.

I did notice in the main scenery folder, other than what AES places, all the files are dated 2008 except for one which is dated 2005. I am assuming that is how it should be?
I went into the registry via regedit and see Amsterdam has a registry for Amsterdam showing the serial as well as under the esellerate entry.
I forgot to mention when I initially installed EHAM I installed the older version - it being so long since I used FS9. But when I tried fully enhancing it through AES that app told me I had to use the v1.04 in order to be recognized. I came on FSDT to download the current version, uninstalled the previous incarnation, checked for remnants and reinstalled what is supposed to be installed. Everything works as it should during install. But the scenery is obviously triggered by something that is not suppose to be there.
I am considering uninstalling again, wiping out the key & activation entries and making sure AES does not still see it. Then reinstall AGAIN.
Some times installing addons is a game unto itself. Fun trying to figure it out - and aggravating. Funner when the solution is reached. Even funnier when the solution is staring right at me the whole time.
This one has me stumped.
Thank you so much.
don lively


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Re: C9 EHAM Installation quandary
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2015, 02:15:13 pm »
My C9-EHAM installation, after proceeding with what I stated I would do in my previous message, seems to be behaving and looking as it should.
From some unknown cause my virtual world does not like the wind-settinged "AI_EHAM_C9-2" afcad file which I used for my UTraff behavior, moving the online-based "AI_EHAM_C9-0" to the "AI files" folder. During beta so long ago I did not work on the traffic files so I had not tried those files on my old XP-opsys rig which I used for fs beta testing; I beta-ed scenery elevations, framerate concerns and non-ai animations.
Anyway, I am going to close out this help thread.
Thank you all for whittling some of your precious time even considering my C9-EHAM hiccup.
don lively