Products Support > XPOI FSX/P3D

XPOI vanishes after a few seconds from the addon tab **SOLVED**

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My location was Freiburg Germany (EDTF).
GSX and XPOI both close and disappear in the addon tab after ca. 20 seconds.

I tried it just now, and made a flight from Freiburg to Stuttgart, with XPOI always enabled, using the feature to search for names (searched for the Stuttgart TV Tower) and with XPOI locking the autopilot on it, and there were no problems.

Could you please send or post your XPOI.INI file ( same folder as the Couatl.LOG ) ?

I deactivated GSX and XPOI and then reactivated them. Everything OK.
It is the Couatl engine that shuts down and disappears in the addon menu tab.

Should I reinstall Couatl? do I do that?

Dear Umberto

...still waiting for a responce.  :-\


--- Quote from: earnorbust on March 10, 2015, 12:18:57 pm ---...still waiting for a responce.  :-\
--- End quote ---

You mean that after so "much time" ( TWO HOURS, including launch break...) you still haven't got a reply, and you ALREADY soliciting a reply ? What's wrong with you guys, I used to wait weeks or months for software in the "real world" to be fixed, if ever.


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