Author Topic: Prepar3D v2 Hotfix (2.5.12943.0) **SOLVED**  (Read 62405 times)


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Re: Prepar3D v2 Hotfix (2.5.12943.0) **SOLVED**
« Reply #60 on: February 27, 2015, 12:57:02 pm »
In English we have a phrase 'from the frying-pan into the fire' and that applies very much to my experience with this CTD ... I applied the workaround and it worked. What do I do next?? ... I install Flightbeam';s KIAD ... and what do I get ... you've guessed ... the good old oa9e ... I am beginning to wonder why I bother ... life's too short ...

This cannot possibly happening, because all existing installers, will DOWNLOAD the updated Addon Manager files, and now the only version which is online for the installer to be downloaded, is the new correct one, the one that work and that everybody that posted in this thread after it has been released, confirmed there are no crashes anymore.

I've checked the KIAD installer, and of course it downloads and install the correct version, the same which was posted here to test, that everyone that posted here said if fixes the issue.

The only possible explanation I can think of, is that you have a firewall/antivirus/anti-spyware program that is BLOCKING the download of the updated files, so you are still getting the OLD version that comes internally in the installer.

This can be fixed either by disabling any product that might block the download OR downloading and installing the Stand-Alone Addon Manager installer, and install it as the last thing you do, because that one downloads AND contain the very latest version so, if will always install it, even if the download is blocked by another software.


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Re: Prepar3D v2 Hotfix (2.5.12943.0) **SOLVED**
« Reply #61 on: February 27, 2015, 08:32:33 pm »
    The new Addon Manager .DLL/.DAT files we tested in this thread are now the official version so, from now on, everybody will get it automatically, even when running a previous installer.

    The only thing to note, for those using existing installers, is that they don't contain the VC++ 2013 runtime redistributables so, if you still don't have it installed it in your system, you must download it separately, from the below link, and choose the x86 version:

    We also updated the Stand-Alone Addon Manager installer, so it now includes and installs the VC++ 2013 runtimes automatically, so if you are not sure about the runtimes, the updated Stand-Alone Addon Manager contains the correct version and installs it automatically. In the next days, we'll also update all the products installers to include and install the VC++ 2013 runtimes, so this won't be an issue anymore.

    Also, the link we posted to the testing version has been replaced to a link to download the Stand-Alone Addon Manager installer, so nobody reading this thread will end downloading the testing version by mistake...

    So while I've read the entire thread (I just had this issue last night, as I finally had the chance to sit down and actually USE P3D from uninstalling FS9 15 months ago), the TL;DR of it basically is:

    • Uninstall existing scenery,
    • Install new x86 VC++2013 runtime libs,
    • Apply P3D Hotfix from LM, and
    • Reinstall scenery

    I acknowledge that the uninstall/reinstall is a bit overkill, but that should take care of it, yes?



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    Re: Prepar3D v2 Hotfix (2.5.12943.0) **SOLVED**
    « Reply #62 on: February 27, 2015, 09:35:37 pm »
    Uninstall existing scenery

    Nobody said anything about uninstalling anything. It's enough you run ANY installer, including the Stand-Alone Addon Manager installer, so you don't have to reinstall anything else.

    Install new x86 VC++2013 runtime libs

    Only if you don't have them installed already, and if you download the updated Stand-Alone Addon Manager, it comes with the x86 VC++2013 runtime libraries and it will install them automatically.

    Apply P3D Hotfix from LM

    That's unrelated to our stuff, you can do it or not, before or after, it's no longer an issue now, since the updated Addon Manager will work with either version, patched or not.

    So, it's way easier than what you listed, and it boils down to:

    1) Run ANY FSDT installer you already have. If you already had the VC++ 2013 runtimes installed in your system, it will work right away, even if your installer is not the latest version, because they *all* download the very latest Addon Manager files from our site when they run.

    2) Download and install the updated Stand-Alone Addon Manager, so you don't have to wonder which version of the VC++ libraries you need or where to download them, because they come with it.

    Step #2 is ONLY needed if you don't have the VC++ 2013 runtimes installed in your system, or you don't know, or you don't want to have to wonder about the issue.
    « Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 09:38:10 pm by virtuali »


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    Re: Prepar3D v2 Hotfix (2.5.12943.0) **SOLVED**
    « Reply #63 on: February 27, 2015, 10:56:15 pm »
    Perfect! Thanks, Umberto! I'll be giving this a try tonight!

    « Last Edit: March 01, 2015, 06:48:07 pm by virtuali »


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    Re: Prepar3D v2 Hotfix (2.5.12943.0) **SOLVED**
    « Reply #64 on: March 02, 2015, 07:36:10 pm »
    Perfect! Thanks, Umberto! I'll be giving this a try tonight!


    Just an update. Umberto's post above worked for me, especially with the following sceneries from FSDT:


    I haven't tried any of the FlightBeam sceneries yet (though I don't think they will be a problem) but I also realize as I type this that I didn't even apply the hotfix from LM, so the above definitely works.

    Now to install a boatload of sceneries! Thanks again, all!



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    Re: Prepar3D v2 Hotfix (2.5.12943.0) **SOLVED**
    « Reply #65 on: March 03, 2015, 09:55:26 am »
    The updated version that supports the 2nd Hotfix ( 2.5.12944 ) is now online, just run any FSDT installer ( GSX, a scenery or the Stand-Alone Addon Manager ), will download the updated version automatically.