Author Topic: XPOI crashing upon FSX or P3D startup at PAKT with ORBX scenery  (Read 5928 times)


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XPOI crashing upon FSX or P3D startup at PAKT with ORBX scenery
« on: January 22, 2015, 05:11:13 pm »
I have FTX ORBX Pacific Fjords scenery installed, along with the ORBX PAKT airport.  Whenever I start either FSX or P3D at that location, XPOI loads for a few seconds, and then approximately a dozen of XPOI graphical icons appear for another few seconds.  Then, both XPOI and the Couatl engine crash.  I'm using the very latest version of XPOI.

Is there a parameter or something that I can set, to cause the Couatl log to be collected, that I can post here?