Author Topic: [FIX INCLUDED] Missing roadway entry pylon night textures (and others)  (Read 31275 times)


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Re: Missing roadway entry pylon night textures
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2012, 05:54:36 pm »
In any case, you can fix the issue by copy the following file:




This will result in night textures in fixed light grey color. That will have to suffice: we don't have any plans to make rotating multi-colored lights as in FSX.


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Re: Missing roadway entry pylon night textures
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2012, 11:02:28 pm »
To the previous post, yes, I'm completely aware my priority isn't the one and only; I have tried to be quite patient.  I also recognize that FSX has overtaken FS9 in capability and market share.  I'm sure there are still some other FS9 users out there...all I'm trying to do so I can have a complete product.  I can confirm that an uninstall, redownload, defrag, and reinstall of the latest FSX KLAX fixed the night issue from before; so yes, I agree that is a non-issue for me.  I can nicely use the PMDG NGX at KLAX at night now.

In any case, you can fix the issue by copy the following file:




This will result in night textures in fixed light grey color. That will have to suffice: we don't have any plans to make rotating multi-colored lights as in FSX.

Thank you.  

Now that I know the file in question, I noticed there is a KLAX_BED07_LM.bmp and KLAX_BED07_SH_LM.bmp that contain night textures of the pylons (blue light) and surrounding ground.  Rather than using the gray day textures at night (which I also can confirm works), I backed-up the original KLAX_ED07_SH_LM.bmp and KLAX_ED07_LM.bmp. Next, I copied the KLAX_BED07_LM.bmp and KLAX_BED07_SH_LM.bmp, renaming them to KLAX_ED07_SH_LM.bmp and KLAX_ED07_LM.bmp, respectively.  

This now allows KLAX to display a nice blue light on the pylons and small ground reflection at night, resolving my original issue.  It appears this may have simply been a texture renaming issue in the installer.  I would recommend the above steps to anyone who is experiencing the same problem.

« Last Edit: September 02, 2012, 11:04:45 pm by CaptKornDog »


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Re: [FIX INCLUDED] Missing roadway entry pylon night textures (and others)
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2012, 03:22:05 pm »
I have also discovered two more missing night lighting maps for KLAX.

For those who are missing hangar glass and chain-link fence night textures (and see just gray hangar windows, and solid gray, non-transparent fencing)...

Create copies of KLAX_ED02.bmp and KLAX_glass04.bmp in your KLAX_V2 texture folder.  Rename the copies to KLAX_ED02_lm.bmp and KLAX_glass04_lm.bmp (even better, make sure they are in DXT1 format).


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Re: [FIX INCLUDED] Missing roadway entry pylon night textures (and others)
« Reply #18 on: March 19, 2015, 01:50:11 am »
A scenery designer saying it's just cosmetic is like a doctor saying it's just medical :o
 NO BODY is going to want to fly into LA at night knowing that the pylons don't light up. There are other missing textures and the jetways are distorted. The afcad is off...This may seem like a low priority to you, but I expected the same level like my FSDT KJFK I just bought this and it's unusable.

 I appreciate that you admitted the flaws, but I feel I deserve a refund or exchange.


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Re: [FIX INCLUDED] Missing roadway entry pylon night textures (and others)
« Reply #19 on: March 19, 2015, 04:46:06 pm »
NO BODY is going to want to fly into LA at night knowing that the pylons don't light up

They do, if you apply the fix discussed this thready.

There are other missing textures

Please indicate where.

and the jetways are distorted.

Please indicate what do you mean with this, since nobody ever reported it before.

The afcad is off...

Please indicate why.

This may seem like a low priority to you

Have you actually read this thread ? Surely you have, since you quoted the "cosmetic" word...and the "low priority" obviously was related JUST to the issue discussed HERE, which were the lighted pylons.

About the lighted pylons:

1) A solution to have them lighted, although being static, HAS BEEN PROVIDED ALREADY, 2 YEARS AGO.

2) A solution to have them lighted AND dynamic, won't be provided in FS9. If you want them lighted AND dynamic, use the FSX version.

but I expected the same level like my FSDT KJFK I just bought this and it's unusable.

It's obviously usable, and nobody ever reported the ADDITIONAL issue you have ADDED NOW, to which NOBODY from FSDT has replied them to be "low priority".

As with ANY other issue report, AFTER you'll report them precisely as requested, we'll check if they really happen (and are not, for example, a result of some conflict with something else), AND if they are really high, medium or low priority.

I appreciate that you admitted the flaws, but I feel I deserve a refund or exchange.

We discussed ONLY the lighted pylons here and, in addition to "admitting the flaws", THERE'S A FIX FOR IT.

The other issue you just added today, two years after this thread ended with a solution to the ONLY issue reported here (the lighted pylons), will be checked after you'll be able to report them precisely.

Also, since the lighted pylons issue has a fix in this very thread, and your other comments didn't had anything to do with it, it would have been better if you opened a SEPARATE thread, indicating all the issues you think still affect KLAX for FS9, so we can check them one by one. It would make for an easier to follow forum for everyone, since commenting on entirely unrelated issues and attaching on a two years old post about a very specific issue and a very specific title,  which already had a SOLUTION, it's only confusing.

And no, you don't deserve a refund, surely NOT before the issues you reported would be verified as being a problem with the scenery. But even in that case, I remind you that, as with ALL our products, they are all available in Trial version so, if a scenery is really "unusable" to you, it would be so obvious in the Trial version, that you shouldn't have bought it in the first place.

Awaiting your precise report of all the other issues you found. Best if you do it in another thread, don't reply here.