Hello there,
A new user to GSX and very happy, thanks

Just a couple of (hopefully) easily answered Q's.
I have installed ORBX YAYE (Ayres Rock) and am having issues with the baggage loaders and the tug vehicles, but I suspect that this is more a scenery issue than an GSX issue.
When the rear baggage truck has finished, he reverses and parks right next to the taxi line, sort of at No 4 on a clock, behind aircraft, so you run over him when you start to taxi out and the wide tug truck drives thru some parked trailers.
I have noticed that when the small tugs are used they line up with the aircraft and dissappear from view as they go under the aircraft as you would expect. With the bigger tugs (The much wider/lower ones, sorry I dont know thier correct names) the tug pops off the screen before he gets out of the field of view
Is it possible to only use the small tugs? That would stop the last issue and driving thru trailers happening, or is it an aircraft thing (PMDG NGX 738W)
Its good having different companies/service handlers doing the job, but can just one company be assigned?
I understand that this may be a scenery issue or a PMDG 737 NGX Issue, but was hoping for a work around :-)
Overall very happy with my purchase!
Thanks Chris
Perth, Western Australia