Author Topic: Conflict with GoFlight  (Read 8323 times)


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Conflict with GoFlight
« on: January 06, 2015, 10:49:14 am »
It is may be a Little confusing, because I originally reported first under KIAH and Norton 360 and other Topics of GSX, and it looked as if deleting and installing all Visual VC++ files again, would help.
So for that reason I open a new Thread, as this turns out to be the real Problem.

Sorry, what seemed to be a solution turned out to be a one day wonder (reinstalling all VC++ Versions again).

Already starting the FSX the next time failed. Stopping it with the Task Manager and starting again, ended with the known message, that FSX reported a conflict with bglmanx.dll and one should delete the program.

Not following this advice and accepting bglmanx.dll to run, ends with the malfunction of those GoFlight modules, which are connected to the FSX PC directly (f.e. radios). They are on, the PC Manager reports no problems, but they do not connect or influence FSX.

Other GoFlight modules, which connect via a second PC and cockpit software, like MCP, EFIS etc. working normal. So it is obviously not a GoFlight problem originally ?

Another user in a Swiss forum reports the same difficulties and had no problems in respect with his antivirus system. But he gets, since the update of about mid December the same failure message when starting the FSX.

So Umberto, please let me know, which version of VC++ you are using ?
Do you know which version GoFlight (latest drivers) is using ?

It is not to blame you, it is just to try to limit what might cause the problems.

It very much looks, that there is a conflict between bglmanx.dll and the FSX, although the file is excluded and the Norton system not working.

Both, GSX and GoFlight were working once, after I installed all (!) version of VC++ again. But already the second attempt last night ended the same way.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 10:53:07 am by mebe »
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Re: Conflict with GoFlight
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2015, 04:58:53 pm »
Other GoFlight modules, which connect via a second PC and cockpit software, like MCP, EFIS etc. working normal. So it is obviously not a GoFlight problem originally ?

Well, using the same reasoning, we could say that, if you don't install the GoFlight software, the FSDT software works so, it would look that "obviously" it's not an FSDT problem, right ?

So Umberto, please let me know, which version of VC++ you are using ?

VC++ 2005 SP1. FSX itself requires VC++ 2005. The SP1 version is a bug-fixed release.

Do you know which version GoFlight (latest drivers) is using ?

I think it's VC++ 2012

It is not to blame you, it is just to try to limit what might cause the problems.

Some kind of problem to your VC++ libraries installation.

Both, GSX and GoFlight were working once, after I installed all (!) version of VC++ again.

This should clearly prove there's nothing wrong in the software, and the two CAN work together.

But already the second attempt last night ended the same way.

As discussed already here, one solution is to invert the order of installation between GSX and the Stand-Alone Addon Manager. Their installers download a version of the bglmanx.DLL compiled with a different sub-version of the VC++ 2005 libraries, so if at least ONE of them works on your system (or, more precisely, their Side-by-side policy), you might be able to fix the issue.

So, try installing GSX last, or the Stand-Alone last, and see if there's any difference.


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Re: Conflict with GoFlight
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2015, 12:32:22 pm »
Finally I obviously succeeded.

Deleted (Windows system) all VC++ 2005, installed them from the recommended  site,7545.msg62899.html#msg62899 (under 2),

looked for possible updates.

Shutted off Antivirus completely during whole process, download and installation, deleted GSX and addon manager (Windows systems).

Downloaded addon manager first, installed and tested. Worked fine with GoFlight.

Then downloaded GSX and installed, tested. So far (just one quick try) now further problem.

(Go Flight newest driver used).

So Thanks for your help, Umberto. Hope this time there is no need to come back again.
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Re: Conflict with GoFlight
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2015, 09:38:28 pm »
Finally I obviously succeeded.

So, basically, the order of installation in your system doesn't change, and there are no problems with GoFlight, it was a problem with your VC++ runtimes all along, and you solved by applying solutions suggested on the forum.


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Re: Conflict with GoFlight
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2015, 07:18:51 pm »
It seemed to be a VC++ Problem, but it is obviously not the reason for the Problems. It is still not working as it should.
With Norton shut down completely, mentioned files excluded, and installing GSX first, starting FSX after excepting virtuali software, FSX reports a conflict:

bglmanx dynamic Link Library  2,9,0,27

So this conflict obviously troubles several other programs.
I think we have to answer  what causes the trouble and was changed, because I am using GSX (and the rest of the airports) with all the other programs for years now.

I have not made any changes in connection or shortly before the trouble started mid of december.

The problem started with the accepted automatic update, when starting FSX on December , 17th.

And not the other involved programs are complaining, but FSX.

So we have to find a solution here, I think ?

If I delete both and start with the addon manager, it works once. Starting the PC again, the above message comes. Starting with GSX the problem arises from the very beginning.

These are the Messages from the "Systemsteuerung-System-Verwaltung.

  Protokollname: Application
Quelle:        SideBySide
Datum:         07.01.2015 19:08:09
Ereignis-ID:   33
Ebene:         Fehler
Benutzer:      Nicht zutreffend
Computer:      Bernd3770
Fehler beim Generieren des Aktivierungskontextes für "C:\Users\user\Downloads\vcredist_arm (1).exe". Die abhängige Assemblierung "Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls,language="*",processorArchitecture="arm",publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df",type="win32",version=""" konnte nicht gefunden werden. Verwenden Sie für eine detaillierte Diagnose das Programm "sxstrace.exe".
<Event xmlns="">
    <Provider Name="SideBySide" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="49409">33</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2015-01-07T18:08:09.000000000Z" />
    <Security />
    <Data>C:\Users\user\Downloads\vcredist_arm (1).exe</Data>

Protokollname: Application
Quelle:        SideBySide
Datum:         07.01.2015 19:08:09
Ereignis-ID:   33
Ebene:         Fehler
Benutzer:      Nicht zutreffend
Computer:      Bernd3770
Fehler beim Generieren des Aktivierungskontextes für "C:\Users\user\Downloads\vcredist_arm (1).exe". Die abhängige Assemblierung "Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls,language="&#x2a;",processorArchitecture="arm",publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df",type="win32",version=""" konnte nicht gefunden werden. Verwenden Sie für eine detaillierte Diagnose das Programm "sxstrace.exe".
<Event xmlns="">
    <Provider Name="SideBySide" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="49409">33</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2015-01-07T18:08:09.000000000Z" />
    <Security />
    <Data>C:\Users\user\Downloads\vcredist_arm (1).exe</Data>

Obviously a side byside conflict.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 07:48:28 pm by mebe »
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Re: Conflict with GoFlight
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2015, 07:04:03 pm »
The problem started with the accepted automatic update, when starting FSX on December , 17th.

No, it's not. The automatic update was AFFECTED by the problem you caused to your VC++ installation, and that can be easily proved by your error message, see below.

And not the other involved programs are complaining, but FSX.

Only programs requiring the MS VC++ 2005 SP1 version of the library will be affected, not all of them.

If I delete both and start with the addon manager, it works once. Starting the PC again, the above message comes. Starting with GSX the problem arises from the very beginning.

Again, you are confusing cause with effect. BECAUSE your VC++ libraries installation is corrupted, programs that use them will look AS IF they caused, but they are just the victims.

Let's see your LOG:

Fehler beim Generieren des Aktivierungskontextes für "C:\Users\user\Downloads\vcredist_arm (1).exe". Die abhängige Assemblierung "Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls,language="&#x2a;",processorArchitecture="arm",publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df",type="win32",version=""" konnte

Obviously a side byside conflict.

Obviously, of course, that's was precisely my point!

Your log show that you somehow installed the ARM version (and it seems you have TWO copies , which is the Windows RT runtime for system based on ARM processors, those used by non-Intel Surface Tablets!

You should NEVER, EVER try to have that installed on a regular PC, the VC++ runtimes to use are the vcredist_x86.exe for 32 bit apps ( all FSX-related apps ARE 32 BIT ), and the vcredist_x64.exe which is required by 64 bit apps.

So, what happened, it's either you or some flawed installed must have caused a conflict that the wrong version of the libraries has been installed.

And yes, if you search Google for this, you'll find it's a problem that happens with a lot of games so, it's far for being anything related to GSX, except GSX is just a VICTIM of it.


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Re: Conflict with GoFlight
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2015, 11:24:42 am »
Sorry, I am not an expert, what is an ARM Version ? And I am not doubting that it is correct, what you are saying, but again, I did not change anything in my FSX PCs for weeks before the problem first started.

The only thing I did, was to delete addon manager and GSX, as well as all VC++ and installed them again, after Norton claimed it to be coruppted.
As far as VC++2005 is concerned, the system shows totally four, if I am not mistaken, the FSX s not running. Should it only be three and one is for tablet purpose ?

Yesterday I have installed sustrax.exe and I will let it run as soon I have time later in order to repair cottupted dll files. Hope this will help.

And I have not installed any applications for tablets. If so, it was hidden in any application. But again, if this should be the case, why the problems occured from the same moment when Norton claimed bglmanx.dll as corrupted.

I than stopped FSX, deleted GSX and the addon manager, started FSX again, and it worked.

Then I stopped FSX and, as recommended by you, excluded the named files, downloaded again and installed. Nothing else was changed. So the question is, what could have happened when proceeding this way, that I face the known problem?

And could you advise where I should look for this ARM thing, or which application typically uses it or why it could be originally hidden, be activated by deleting GSX etc and reinstalling ?

And just to give the hole story, yesterday I connected the Klone SSD (which was taken with Acronis True Image approx. beginning of December) and it worked.

So with all this information it should be possible to find a solution. Or could you provide an older version of GSX and the addon manager ? Could that be a solution ? Just thinking ?  
« Last Edit: January 10, 2015, 11:27:53 am by mebe »
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Re: Conflict with GoFlight
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2015, 06:50:06 pm »
Sorry, I am not an expert, what is an ARM Version ? And I am not doubting that it is correct, what you are saying

As I've already said in my previous reply, is the Windows RT runtime for system based on ARM processors, those used by non-Intel Surface Tablets, and you are not supposed to install it on a PC!

It's POSSIBLE that, installing that resulted in a corruption of such libraries, which AFFECTS any program that use them, including the Addon Manager, of course.

but again, I did not change anything in my FSX PCs for weeks before the problem first started.

You might have not done anything, but another (bugged) software you use might.  Rest assured that NONE of our installers contains the ARM version of the VC++ libraries. On top of that, your error LOG shows you tried to run the INSTALLER for the ARM libraries.

And it doesn't show just that, it shows you downloaded it TWICE, because it's named vcredist_arm (1).exe, which means you downloaded it by mistake TWICE.

The only thing I did, was to delete addon manager and GSX, as well as all VC++ and installed them again, after Norton claimed it to be coruppted.
As far as VC++2005 is concerned, the system shows totally four, if I am not mistaken, the FSX s not running. Should it only be three and one is for tablet purpose ?

Yesterday I have installed sustrax.exe and I will let it run as soon I have time later in order to repair cottupted dll files. Hope this will help.

Sorry, but you are claiming not to be an expert, yet you are trying to use tools that are very complex to use and if you don't know exactly how to use them, you can cause even more system corruption that you already have done.

And I have not installed any applications for tablets. If so, it was hidden in any application. But again, if this should be the case, why the problems occured from the same moment when Norton claimed bglmanx.dll as corrupted.

Norton itself corrupted it, most likely.

I than stopped FSX, deleted GSX and the addon manager, started FSX again, and it worked.

Yes, but this is of course the RESULT of the corruption CAUSED by Norton. If FSX tried to load a corrupted .DLL (corrupted by Norton), if you remove it, you are mislead thinking the .DLL was the problem ("because now FSX starts!!") when the .DLL was the VICTIM, not the cause.

And could you advise where I should look for this ARM thing, or which application typically uses it or why it could be originally hidden, be activated by deleting GSX etc and reinstalling ?

I'm afraid you should consider reinstalling Windows from scratch.

all this information it should be possible to find a solution. Or could you provide an older version of GSX and the addon manager ? Could that be a solution ? Just thinking ?  

Just stop losing your time trying to find "issues" with the Addon Manager, that YOU said yourself DID work TOGETHER with GoFlight at a certain stage. The real cause is the corruption of your VC++ libraries happened in your system, and it's probably easier to reinstall Windows than trying to fix it.


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Re: Conflict with GoFlight
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2015, 01:28:07 pm »
Probably the best would be to have a look with teamviewer.

I have not installed or ever used any tablet application.

What I did, was following an "advice" (link) here, where it was recommended, to delete all VC++ (what I did) and install all, which were shown in the link.

But this happened after (!) Norton 360 refused to accept, the mentioned files.

So after Norton refused, I deleted addon manager and GSX. Shutted off Norton completely and excluded addon manager exe and cuatl.dll as you recommended, installed both again and get everytime the message from FSX that I should not install the software because bglmanx.dll could cause damage to the FSX !

That is from where we have to think what could have caused the trouble. So at that stage there was probably not any wrong VC++ installed, because again (!) I never installed or used an tablet application and everything worked without any problem up to the update which I accepted on December 17th.

So even if any software installed earlier installed a tablet application in the background (what I just take into consideration, without knowing it), than it was not a problem up to the update of GSX.

And again, my FSX claims problems with bglmanx.dll not with GoFlight, Aivlasoft EFB. They run if I do not except bglmanx.dll.

If I acccept bglmanx.dll FSX complains (!).

So if I understand you correctly, than we would have to bring back my PC to the state of Dec. 17th. Which VC++ should be deleted and when we use an older version of GSX or addon manager (f.e.beginning of Dec.) than it should run again ?

Should be the easiest way to find out what went wrong ? Could we try that ?      

Perhaps to start with by deleting that VC++ Version which I should not have. My OS is Windows 7/64.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2015, 01:33:57 pm by mebe »
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Re: Conflict with GoFlight
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2015, 06:54:20 pm »
Probably the best would be to have a look with teamviewer.

Probably, but I doubt I would be able to fix anything.

I have not installed or ever used any tablet application.

But you HAVE downloaded and installed their runtime. You downloaded it twice.

What I did, was following an "advice" (link) here, where it was recommended, to delete all VC++ (what I did) and install all, which were shown in the link.

Sorry, no. The link HERE points you to the CORRECT version of the VC++ runtimes libraries, the ones for x86 systems, which are named vcredist_x86.exe. There's NO LINK HERE for the ARM version, but you obviously downloaded it and installed it twice, because you downloaded the vcredist_ARM.EXE instead of the vcredist_x86.exe which was linked on our thread.

But this happened after (!) Norton 360 refused to accept, the mentioned files.

Norton doesn't have anything to do with you downloading the ARM runtimes instead of the X86 runtimes.

So after Norton refused, I deleted addon manager and GSX. Shutted off Norton completely and excluded addon manager exe and cuatl.dll as you recommended, installed both again and get everytime the message from FSX that I should not install the software because bglmanx.dll could cause damage to the FSX !

This message is caused by the corrupted VC++ installation.

So at that stage there was probably not any wrong VC++ installed, because again (!) I never installed or used an tablet application and everything worked without any problem up to the update which I accepted on December 17th.

Again, regardless if you installed or not a tablet application, it's clear from your log that you mistakenly installed the ARM runtimes, twice.

And again, my FSX claims problems with bglmanx.dll not with GoFlight, Aivlasoft EFB. They run if I do not except bglmanx.dll.

If I acccept bglmanx.dll FSX complains (!).

Wrong, according to YOUR OWN report a few messages ago. This is what YOU wrote:

Downloaded addon manager first, installed and tested. Worked fine with GoFlight. Then downloaded GSX and installed, tested. So far (just one quick try) now further problem. (Go Flight newest driver used).

So, it's clear the Addon Manager WORKS with GoFlight, there are no conflicts whatsoever. You obviously caused some kind of problem to the VC++ libraries, and this in turn is AFFECTING the Addon Manager. You keep confusing the cause with the effect.

So if I understand you correctly, than we would have to bring back my PC to the state of Dec. 17th. Which VC++ should be deleted and when we use an older version of GSX or addon manager (f.e.beginning of Dec.) than it should run again ?

I'm not sure that, by removing ALL instances of the VC++ runtimes will fix this issue at this stage. But you can try, and then you should reinstall them. Of course, not doing again the same mistake, of downloading and installing the ARM version twice.


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Re: Conflict with GoFlight
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2015, 11:53:00 am »
I think there is a missunderstanding. Yes I obviously downloaded all the VC++ I found, when I followed the advice  on the microsoft link, which I found; f.e. also those of 2013.

So again, which VC++ should be there, and which should be deleted? In order to find out, which VC++ troubles your software ?

And when I reported, that GoFlight was working, I was mistaken, because I only made a short touch and ga flight, without activating the whole cockpit software. So I did not pay attention to the radios f.e., which connect directly to the FSX. All the other GoFlight Modules are connecting via a cockpit software.

Also now, when I accept your software by ignoring the FSX advice not to load it, everythind works, GSX, the airports and the GoFlight modules like MCP etc. But again, they do not connect directly. The Radios are on, but they have no effect.

So no one has problems with FSX but bglmanx.dll.

Until first half of December  everything worked well. I did not change anything.
Only my Antivirus Norton is allowed to update automatically. That is why I definetly know, that there were now unknown updates, except the one of GSX which came up, when I started FSX and I accepted.

During the update, Norton stopped it. Then I followed the advice, as already reported, what always end with the FSX refusal. This was before (!) and after I deleted and again installed the VC++.

And it is exactly the same mistake that was reported by I user in the swiss forum.

So no question, that this VCarm thing is wrong, probably it also causes a problem but it has nothing to do with the original problem. It was not there. I am very sure, because here, or in the flightx forum, were I was searching for other people to find a solution, I reported that I made a mistake by not taking a note which VC++ are installed and was under the impression, that I have more now.

So again, the present stage of my PC does not show any problems, except with bglmanx.dll active.

Norton refused it and deleted it. So neither Addon Manager nor GSX was installed and could not have done any harm to FSX (?).

I then followed your advice to shut down Norton completely when downloading and installing and excluding cualtl.exe and bglmanx.dll in Norton from scanning etc..

There was no further problem with Norton, but when I started FSX I got the message not to accept the software and delete it. What I did a dozen of times. Always completely deleting and installing again from the scratch.

The result was the same always.

Then I went to the next step, to delete all VC++.

So if or if not, this VC++ causes any problem, the quality of the problem remains the same. FSX is not (!) accepting bglmanx.dll.

So between beginning of December and my download of the wrong VC++ something must have happened, what causes the problem.

So the question is, what happens, when Norton refuses the GSX update and following I delete it (and addon manager). Does this do any harm to FSX, its cfg ?

So to my understanding it must be very easy by installing a version of beginning of December or mid of November on my PC, and deleting those VC++, which should not be there (by the way I already deleted this VCarm, and hopefully got the right on. At least everythind remained unchanged and the rest of the installation works), to find out what causes the problem ?

Do you still have older versions of both, GSX and addon manager, which you could send ?
Then which VC++ should be there and which not.  (Version Nrs. you are using).
And were in FSX or cfg we have to look for if changes have been made, which should not have happened.

All this I can do, you do not have to waste your time.

To make a long story short, from the reported moment FSX warned to accept bglmanx.dll. FSX did that after (!) I shutted down Norton. And I did not use the first download but took a new one. So this was a download which could not have been affected by Norton or the following prodedures.

At that time also only the "correct" VC++ must have been there. At least I did not download them and I am not using any modules or programs, which to my knowledge need it (?).

But even if they have been there, what harm they could cause which could not be repaired by deleting it ?   
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Re: Conflict with GoFlight
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2015, 06:24:18 pm »
So again, I passed my day with numerous trys.

This time beginning with GSX (not downloading the addon manager  stand allone version.

The following VC++ 2005 are installed:

8.0.59193 (348 KB)
8.0.56336 (2,69 MB)
8.0.59192 (620 KB)

Antivirus shut off completly.

It takes at least two or three attempts to start FSX. If it finally spooling up I am still

getting the message by the FSX not to accept the bglmanx.dll (Version 2,9,0,27).

If I ignore the warning GSX, airports and GoFlight modules linked directly to the FSX (f.e Radios)
are working. (Rest like EFB not checked, but most probably ok, because if there were malfunctions,
it always concerned all the other software.

But this procedure is, like already reported, a one time solution.

Shutting down the PC and restarting it next time, I am again asked not to accept bglmanx.dll (also after I
changed to another version (size 1.833), which was linked here in another thread. Also in this case the FSX
message remained not to install version 27 ?).

So it seems very clear.

By accepting bglmanx.dll something within FSX is changed what blocking GoFlight f.e..

Deleting GSX and the addon manager and installing it again, leeds to the same result. Accepting the FSX
warning makes it working once.

So bglmanx.dll causes a conflict ! That is why FSX is complaining. So we have to identify why FSX is warning.
And how that can be solved.

I think this is a FSDT problem !?
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Re: Conflict with GoFlight
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2015, 10:06:46 pm »
So no question, that this VCarm thing is wrong, probably it also causes a problem but it has nothing to do with the original problem. It was not there. I am very sure, because here, or in the flightx forum, were I was searching for other people to find a solution, I reported that I made a mistake by not taking a note which VC++ are installed and was under the impression, that I have more now.

The installation of the VC ARM version has probably caused an overall corruption of the VC++ libraries required by our software, that's why it doesn't work. You keep confusing the cause with the effect.

And no, even if you keep saying that "nothing has problems in FSX except bglmanx.dll", it's because the version of the VC++ libraries required by it that has been corrupted, is the 2005 SP1. FSX itself use the original 2005 version and GoFlight seem to be using the 2012 version so, again, if you don't have any other FSX add-ons that require the specific 2005 SP1 version, it will appear as if "only bglmanx.dll has problems", but that's to be expected, if the only VC++ runtime that has been corrupted in your system is the one that incidentally requires bglmanx.dll

I don't see any reasons to proceed further in this thread, since the issue is clearly something specific to your system and nobody else is benefiting for it.

I'll contact you in the next days to arrange ANOTHER Teamviewer session, to have another look at your system.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 01:46:01 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Conflict with GoFlight
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2015, 01:46:42 pm »
As I've said, I don't see any reasons to proceed further in this thread, since the issue is clearly something specific to your system and nobody else is benefiting for it.

So, stop posting here, please, and let's arrange the TM session.


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Re: Conflict with GoFlight
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2015, 07:03:12 pm »
Tks again Umberto, for your help and time spent.

Tested several times and it solved the problem to start GoFlight manualy after FSX is started.

it is no Problem at all to proceede in this way as I have to start several other modules manually also.

Probaply would be good to explain how you managed it to GoFlight not to start automatically when the FSX is started, because
there were similar problems reported in german forums.
Best regards
