Author Topic: FSX crashes with bglmanx.dll V2.9.25 **SOLVED**  (Read 9950 times)


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Re: FSX crashes with bglmanx.dll V2.9.25
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2015, 08:42:51 pm »
You must have mixed up versions somehow, you cannot revert back or updated just by replacing the .dll file, if the .dll file and the associated .dat files are not all from the same version, FSX will surely crash on start.

You cannot get mixed up version by running the installers normally, the only way is to manually replace files, because all installers downloads the very latest version online.

Just run the current Stand-Alone Addon Manager and don't replace files manually. If you are still getting a crash, contact me in private so I can have a look at your system.

Yes, Umberto, How can I contact you privately sir. I have just bought GSX and upon installation the FSX program crashes. Thanks in advance. I did some moving around and realized that the bglmanx.dll when moved out of the folder makes fsx run but it will not make GSX work obviously. So I really need your help. Thanks in advance.