Author Topic: HOT FIX! drzewiecki-design NY Airports with FSDT JFK!  (Read 5897 times)


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HOT FIX! drzewiecki-design NY Airports with FSDT JFK!
« on: January 02, 2015, 10:19:13 pm »
Hello Everyone,

Sorry for the double post Virtuali but I figured this would catch peoples attention.

If you are having issues with FSDT KJFK and NY Airports LGA and EWR being active, I am still doing testing but so far this has fixed the ground and texture issues at JFK and LGA is not effected.

REMOVE THE: AFX_KJFK_ALT.bgl from your FSX/Scenery/World/Scenery Folder. I removed that BGL and Put FSDT KJFK above LGA and EWR and one under AES. It seems to be working fine and textures surrounding LGA appear to not be affected either. Havent tested EWR but I imagine that it doesn't both it.


Install Drzweicki as instructed.
Remove Dzrewicki JFK from Scenery Library
Move FSDT JFK to a higher priority than LGA and EWR
Update by clicking Ok to your new scenery library settings
Exit FSX
Go to your world Scenery folder and simply remove that BGL above from it.
Restart FSX
Test yourself

I did this using JFK V1. Virtuali would know better but I imagine removing the Dzwreicki Airports JFK .bgl is enough to let FSDT V2 JFK play nice too.  :)