Author Topic: GSX binging about parking brake after last update  (Read 19213 times)


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Re: GSX binging about parking brake after last update
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2014, 05:21:58 pm »
Is there a way to roll back to the prior GSX version?

That's not a way to fix things. As I've said in my previous message, I would like to have a reproduction case, using a DEFAULT airplane and a DEFAULT scenery, indicating the airplane, the scenery and the gate used.

It's not use that I ask for this, and I keep getting examples using all sort of 3rd party products instead.

I'm NOT SAYING you must use GSX with a default airplane and a default scenery only, I'm saying that in order to understand your issue, I need to exclude all possible interference from other add-ons so, please, try to help me because, as I've said, I cannot reproduce the problem, not with a default airplane, but not even with the PMDG NGX, which I happen to have installed.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2014, 05:26:28 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX binging about parking brake after last update
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2014, 07:38:23 pm »
I was able to reproduce the BONG error sound using the default FSX Cessna. Default scenery used was KLAN - KFNT. System information Windows 7 64bit, NVIDIA Surround with 3 27in monitors, Active Sky Next on a separate computer networked. I would get this error when returning from a menu screen, as other user have reported. No issues prior to the last GSX update. Not sure if this is related, but I also noticed that the backcolor on all the message windows in FSX is now transparent. Such as the GSX parking brake message, Parking Brake Message etc. etc. I noticed this also after the last GSX update. Just curious if anyone else have the same.


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Re: GSX binging about parking brake after last update
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2014, 07:56:24 pm »
I was able to reproduce the BONG error sound using the default FSX Cessna. Default scenery used was KLAN - KFNT.

Tried the Cessna too, at KLAN and of course, no message or sound whatsoever. You haven't indicated any reproduction steps, do you mean you just open a menu and then cancel it, and you see the message and the sound ? Did that of course, but it doesn't happen.

Not sure if this is related, but I also noticed that the backcolor on all the message windows in FSX is now transparent. Such as the GSX parking brake message, Parking Brake Message etc. etc. I noticed this also after the last GSX update

They are always been like this, semi-transparent. They become opaque ONLY if you manually undock the message window by right-clicking on it when it's on screen.

This is a standard FSX behavior, so it's not possible it happened after a GSX update.

Perhaps it's a conflict caused by another running program. Are you able to momentarily turn off EVERYTHING that starts with FSX and try it again ?


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Re: GSX binging about parking brake after last update
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2014, 08:32:51 pm »
Using the Cessna, I did not get the message upon load like many other post have indicated. However I did get the error BONG about 15min after departing KLAN. In this scenario, I did not need to access the menu screen to trigger it, it just automatically executed the BONG sound with the quick message flash.

Are you using the latest NVIDIA drivers? I mention this because I'm back tracking all changes made to my system before I noticed this issue. The only changes I made last week was updating to the latest GSX, and also updating to the latest NVIDIA drivers. Prior to that there was no issue.

There's something we're missing hear. Before I found this post, I assumed it must have been just my system, but there's far to many people with the similar problem. Not saying that GSX is at fault, just noticed the issue after the update.

I will look into the docking of my messages, when I load FS next time.

Since the new update is only applicable to the Aerosoft A320/A321, I'm going to uninstall it and see what happens. I will report back later after a few more test.


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Re: GSX binging about parking brake after last update
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2014, 08:33:05 pm »
I think I may have found the condition in which the bong is present.  Anytime there is a location change from the start up point, you will get the error bong.  This also happens with the default Airbus.

For example, I have my FSX always starting up at the same airport/gate because I fly the same route often.  The odd time that I decide to change my plans (i.e. different Airport, Gate or even active runway), I will get the bong.  Perhaps, that issue always existed and I never noticed it as I never deviated from my start up?  I would think others would have experienced sooner.  I do not hear the error bong if I do not make any changes to my startup location.

Hopefully our friends at GSX will be able to recreate that condition on their systems and identify the root cause!

« Last Edit: November 24, 2014, 08:36:33 pm by canprince »


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Re: GSX binging about parking brake after last update
« Reply #20 on: November 24, 2014, 08:41:46 pm »
For example, I have my FSX always starting up at the same airport/gate because I fly the same route often.  The odd time that I decide to change my plans (i.e. different Airport, Gate or even active runway), I will get the bong.  

I did this too, because I had a startup flight saved at one place, but I moved it to another place to replicate the situation described by another user, and no, it doesn't make any difference, because I can't see any message or any sound in both cases.

In my last reply, I asked if it was possible for anyone having this issue, to momentarily disable EVERY other add-on that starts with FSX. It would be helpful if someone would try that and report back.


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Re: GSX binging about parking brake after last update
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2014, 08:51:20 pm »
Okay, I may have more information.   ;D

My startup flight did not have Parking Brakes on.  I loaded the startup flight, applied the parking brakes, and re-saved it.  I restarted FSX, changed to the PMDG 777 aircraft and different gate and I didn't experience the bong.  Perhaps this only occurs if the startup flight does not have the parking brakes applied?  Just a thought.

« Last Edit: November 24, 2014, 08:53:00 pm by canprince »


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Re: GSX binging about parking brake after last update
« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2014, 08:56:08 pm »
ditto since last live update.  nothing has been changed on my system.  happens with different aircraft and at no particular time.



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Re: GSX binging about parking brake after last update
« Reply #23 on: November 24, 2014, 09:51:57 pm »
Perhaps this only occurs if the startup flight does not have the parking brakes applied?  Just a thought.

YES, you got it!

My startup flight was saved with parking brakes on, but as soon as I created a new one without parking brakes, I get the message and the sound ONLY if I select an airplane, either a different one or even the same I was flying.

I'm quite puzzled, because that seem to be entirely unrelated to the latest update, since it's a part of the code that has been there for ages...

But at least, being able to reproduce it, should lead to a fix soon. Still cannot reproduce it by simply opening/closing an FSX menu, as others have reported.


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Re: GSX binging about parking brake after last update
« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2014, 03:58:42 am »
I see that it looks like this could be related to saved startup flight conditions and the parking brake setting loaded in that situation.  I've never saved a startup flight - my Free Flight in FSX still comes up with the MS defaults.  I then select the aircraft, start location, time of day, load a flight plan and maybe edit fuel (depending on whether or not the aircraft i fly uses it's own in-sim fuel loader).  Since the Free Flight menu with MS defaults starts with a situation already in-flight, could that possibly shed some light on why i get the message when i save with the ";" key mid-flight and then get the alert when returning to the sim from the save screen?

--------- BUZZ
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 04:00:49 am by Driver8 »


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Re: GSX binging about parking brake after last update
« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2014, 04:19:14 am »
Yes.  I believe so. Try to create a start up flight at an airport using the Cesna for example.  Ensure that your brake is on and save the flight. Exit FSX, then restart.  I tested it and the bong went away. :-)

I am sure GSX will come up with a fix.


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Re: GSX binging about parking brake after last update
« Reply #26 on: November 25, 2014, 05:02:59 am »
I am not using a start up flight here. just starting FSX with default select flight screen. My aircrafts though (PMDG) are all startup without FSX parking brake but only with "chocks"


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Re: GSX binging about parking brake after last update
« Reply #27 on: November 25, 2014, 10:41:56 am »
I've never saved a startup flight - my Free Flight in FSX still comes up with the MS defaults.

The MS default flight it's just another saved flight, the only difference is that MS created it, not you and, since it's not saved with parking brakes on, it still consistent with that finding. As I've said, I was able to reproduce it this way, so it's 100% sure it's related to the parking brakes conditions on the startup flight.

Now, we can work on a fix.


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Re: GSX binging about parking brake after last update
« Reply #28 on: November 27, 2014, 01:19:26 am »
Great!  So happy were making progress.  It happens to me in the dfault Lear45 as I resume my flight in in free flight mode and save the default Lear 45 in mid flight so of course my park brake is not on.
Glad they are working on a fix.

i7-4770K3.5Ghz OC 4.5Ghz on a Z87-Pro ASUS MOBO, with a 240GB SSD for FSX only, 16gb/2400 Vengence DDR-3, Nividia GeForce GTX 780, on Win 7, 64 bit operating system.


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Re: GSX binging about parking brake after last update
« Reply #29 on: December 06, 2014, 12:09:19 am »
The very best solution would be to uninstall GSX first and then reinstall the full version.  At times just installing the update causes failures, particularly with FS running as is appropriate with almost any program.  Even though it says it will over write and no need to shut down, with scenery updates it's always best to do a full install.  FS Dream Team really should offer the full install with every update as they did with 1.9.  It would just make things so much simpler and would I'm sure avoid 99.9% of all the issues in the forum.  Just my thoughts.  I have always used the full install whenever scenery was involved and have to date not had any problems.  Now if I could only teach myself how to configure the components of the program to meet my personal needs such as where the vehicles park and move etc, I would surely be smokin'......hope this note helps you...