Author Topic: Priority to Gates with ParkMe?  (Read 7752 times)


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Priority to Gates with ParkMe?
« on: October 01, 2008, 05:32:39 pm »
   Hi, I just want to know if there is a way to give priority to the gates that have the ParkMe feature.

   There is no point in having the feature and having FSX assign you to a gate that does not have it...

   Thanks for your help...


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Re: Priority to Gates with ParkMe?
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2008, 06:02:23 pm »
Hi, I just want to know if there is a way to give priority to the gates that have the ParkMe feature.

You mean, to force the FSX ATC to direct you to a parking with ParkMe enabled ? Sorry, but the ATC doesn't know anything about ParkMe...

There is no point in having the feature and having FSX assign you to a gate that does not have it...

I don't think in the real world you can *ask* the ATC to direct you to any gate, because it has better facilities. ATC Gate assignment will be based on airline so, if you are flying in an airplane that has an airline id of an airline that parks in a terminal with docking systems, you'll get a ParkMe gate.

The real JFK doesn't have docking systems at all terminals as well.


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Re: Priority to Gates with ParkMe?
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2008, 06:46:43 pm »
 Yes, I understand that FSX doesn't know anything about ParkMe. I didn't mean to "request" a particular gate, I was just wondering if there was any way to reduce the capacity of other gates (to small planes, for example) so when FSX assigns a gate to a bigger plane it is one that has ParkMe. I guess gate assignment is not based only on aircraft size like I thought, but also airline...

 Thanks for clarifying anyway...


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Re: Priority to Gates with ParkMe?
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2008, 07:14:50 pm »
I don't think in the real world you can *ask* the ATC to direct you to any gate, because it has better facilities. ATC Gate assignment will be based on airline so, if you are flying in an airplane that has an airline id of an airline that parks in a terminal with docking systems, you'll get a ParkMe gate.

Did you double check this statement? I don't think that the assignments choise of the ATC engine was changing in FSX, so I would expect that the Airline Codes will be ignored for the User (only used for AI). Only the radius will be check: First free gate with a radius >= the aircraft radius will be assigned.
I think its hard to controll the assignments in FSX (harder then in FS9) because in FS9 you could play with the Gate radius (very small radius for User aircraft and reservated Gates), but in FSX it will effect the groundservice vehicles, so no good way anymore.
Only a intelligent order of the Gates in the AFCAD list and a special mix between Non Airlinecode gates and those with Airlinecodes can help. But very complex and not allways helpful.

The real JFK doesn't have docking systems at all terminals as well.

Only at Terminal 4!
Oliver Pabst


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Re: Priority to Gates with ParkMe?
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2008, 07:41:48 pm »
Did you double check this statement? I don't think that the assignments choise of the ATC engine was changing in FSX, so I would expect that the Airline Codes will be ignored for the User (only used for AI)

No, I haven't checked.

I think its hard to controll the assignments in FSX (harder then in FS9) because in FS9 you could play with the Gate radius (very small radius for User aircraft and reservated Gates), but in FSX it will effect the groundservice vehicles, so no good way anymore.

If it was just the ground service vehicles issue, this wouldn't be a problem at JFK, because we don't have MS default ground vehicles to begin with, we have our own ground AI traffic, that starts only were we want to and goes only were we want to.

However, it's already a mess trying to make the AI behave, without adding docking system to the equation, that if we start playing with the AFCAD just to give the user more chances to get a docking system, it would create too much trouble.

However, the whole point is moot anyway, because this is just the first release of the ParkMe module, so we have only one kind of parking system available.

Future updates will have all sort of parking assistance methods, so we'll not have the issue of trying to get the user to be assigned to the right parking space, because every parking space will have some kind of ParkMe feature, being a docking or a human marshaller...

Only at Terminal 4!

We added them to T5 as well, both because it's a brand new terminal so is expected that, if they don't have it now, they'll probably have it in the future, and also to give more dockings to play with.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 07:43:24 pm by virtuali »