Author Topic: Boeing 777-9X  (Read 21634 times)


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Re: Boeing 777-9X
« Reply #30 on: June 05, 2016, 08:22:44 pm »
Holy cats! That's coming along fast! It looks like it's going to be one great panel soon!
I'm sorry to hear about you and your son's health problems. I am glad they're getting better now. Surgery is never ever fun at all, I know. Especially the little areas of the face. I've had a couple eye surgeries, and they were painful for a long time after, so I can empathize. I am glad everything's improving now though. Just don't over do it while you heal up. I'd hate to see it all fire up again!
Sorry I haven't been keeping up very well, but I've only had time for quick checks on the '18. I hope things keep going well for you, though. No more problems now, just smooooth sailing :)
Still, looking great though! That's going to be one heck of a plane when you get done!


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Re: Boeing 777-9X
« Reply #31 on: June 06, 2016, 11:30:06 am »
Thanks a lot Pat, My son is well, I am all better now, eyes quit burning since the surgery and it is allowing me to work on this now. My eyes felt burnt like I had been flashed by a arc welder too many time, felt like sand was in them all the time while trying to work. All is good now.
A little more done, of course I have stayed up too late getting this done.


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Re: Boeing 777-9X
« Reply #32 on: June 07, 2016, 07:15:40 pm »
Some more screen captures of what I had gotten done last night. Once I get out of CAD I will try to find the right textures for the seats. Just applied those to it while in Cad.



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Re: Boeing 777-9X
« Reply #33 on: June 07, 2016, 08:56:55 pm »
Wow! (again :) )
The detail you instill is amazing! I am not a tube driver myself, but if I were, I would be waiting eagerly for this cockpit to hit the sites.
I am assuming, since I know next to nothing about this stuff, that the instruments will "fill in" all those blank panels, thus completing the detail? I know the VC is very dependant on the model file for the instrument placement, and even being able to see them at all. Is this going to be the same with yours, or is this the 2D cockpit? Just wondering :)
No matter, still amazing work so far!
Glad all the medical problems are gone now :) I know how painful stuff can be!


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Re: Boeing 777-9X
« Reply #34 on: June 08, 2016, 12:31:28 am »

I am assuming, since I know next to nothing about this stuff, that the instruments will "fill in" all those blank panels, thus completing the detail? I know the VC is very dependant on the model file for the instrument placement, and even being able to see them at all. Is this going to be the same with yours, or is this the 2D cockpit? Just wondering :)

Yea I am still working on some of it now. I work with layers in CAD so I can turn some on and off as needed to speed things up a bit when trying to render and check on things as I go. In CAD it is a bit more harsh than is Blender where the animation will be added will be written for this cockpit. I turned the 39 knobs I was showing earlier in post before, here is what I have ATM.



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Re: Boeing 777-9X
« Reply #35 on: June 08, 2016, 07:19:27 am »
That is truly SH, Rick! Those knobs are beautiful.
I really admire people that do this stuff. Me? About the best I can do is create an Icon .Cab file, for adding an Icon to the 2D/VC . If there's already a BMP  file for it. Or a JPG I can make a BMP :D
But hey, I know my limitations ;D


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Re: Boeing 777-9X
« Reply #36 on: June 11, 2016, 07:58:17 pm »
Well this is my first attempt at this, in doing so I have a different appreciation for those who have stepped up long before me to put freeware stuff out there for me to use. It is very time consuming and will get more time consuming as I get further into this project.



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Re: Boeing 777-9X
« Reply #37 on: July 05, 2016, 01:01:21 am »
I am here to report some bad news on my cockpit. Bad news is that while drawing in CAD in my comfort zone I have found out some things while they looked good, they will not work for the cockpit so well. After having in depth conversation with Hiroshi I will need to tone down the polygon count by a huge amount to make this possible. I had already accumulated over 252,000 polygons and was not quite close to being done yet.
I have been trying to get a handle on GMax because that is what Hiroshi uses....not going to happen right away. He did give me a copy of his GMax PDF that he has been working on. I promised I would not in any way pass this out, please don't ask.
Frustrated over not getting anywhere with GMax I have returned to Blender and started to get somewhere now. GMax has the actual polygon counter, Blender gives you a counter for faces and from what I gathered is going to be pretty close to a polygon count. Details I am leaving off in modeling will be taken up in textures to save polygons. Somehow I have got to keep cockpit down to 140,000 to 150,000 polygons.
I have started in Blender where I was last working in CAD, the largest most busy part of center console. I will betrying to work in as much detail as possible with the restraints I have been handed.
Picture is of a knob I did and one of a now Hiroshi duplicated using texture way, his looks better.

« Last Edit: July 05, 2016, 01:03:44 am by Azframer »


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Re: Boeing 777-9X
« Reply #38 on: July 15, 2016, 07:17:37 am »
If his is on the left, I hate to say it but it does look better. Far fewer polygons, too which is so much easier on FPS.
But I have faith in you! You'll get it soon. Just don't waste your whole summer on it. Get out, have some fun, enjoy life a little. It really will help you concentrate better.
Anyway, don't give up! I am sure you'll get it perfect before you know it :)


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Re: Boeing 777-9X
« Reply #39 on: July 17, 2016, 05:54:45 am »
Thanks Pat, I decided to take a little time off from it the past few days, I had some other things I needed to do, I needed to  do some flying in the sim. I had put flying off for too long. I started where I was working before in CAD before I had to start over. Getting close on the 3rd part of center console, when I get done with this section I will move to the throttle section.

I got a bit of Blue Angels and Training Squadron 101 (VMFAT-101) news. Lt. Damon Kroes made the cut for the Blues for 2017 team.

 Navy Lt. Damon Kroes, 34, of Fremont, California, is an F/A-18 Hornet Instructor Pilot currently assigned to Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron 101 (VMFAT-101), the “Sharpshooters,” at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, California. He is a 2006 graduate of San Diego State University, San Diego.



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Re: Boeing 777-9X
« Reply #40 on: July 17, 2016, 07:40:08 am »
Y'know, I was IN VMFAT-101. Starting in '80 (1980, thank you very much. I'm not THAT old!) to 86, with times off for Marksmanship Instructor, and a few other additional duties. This was back when they were flying F-4 Phantoms, a variety of N's, J's and S's. AND, much as I hated the place, they were in Yuma, Az. So, back then, I might have known Lt. Kroes. By the same token, back then, as far as I know, all the IP's, as well as students were Marines. That's Pilot/RIO teams, although I understand if they just couldn't stand each other after a while, they could request a change.
In fact, when I transferred to VMFA-333 in 86, a year before they transitioned to F/A-18's (coincindentally, just a year before I got out), there was 1 pilot who had gone through several RIO's during his time there. He had a nasty habit of being a real hot-dog, I don't follow rules or procedures type guy. His worst trick was flying under a bridge there in Beaufort SC. His last RIO told him if he pulled that he'd eject them both, so he did it inverted. I happened to be in S1 when the RIO stormed in, still in flightgear after that stunt, and threatened to turn in his wings if they didn't DO something. So they transferred the Pilot to another squadron, that was already in F/A-18's. Single seaters. He lost his wings when he managed to kill another pilot, coming the wrong way off a bombing run, and flying his wingtip through the man's canopy. And head. We heard he said he thought it would look "cooler" if they crossed over on the bombing run pull-off. Really "cool", huh?
ANYway, the ONLY thing I liked about being in Yuma, for 30 years, the ONLY thing I liked, was El Centro was just an hour away by freeway, so all winter I could go watch the Blue Angels practice. And I did, too, nearly every week-end and every other day off I could get away. It was great!
They even had one come over to Yuma, in an F/A-18, and pull the neatest trick. He went down the runway, about 100' AGL, and got slower, and slower, and his nose got higher and higher, until he was standing it on it's tail, pointing straight up. Just riding the engine's thrust! When he first started, we thought for sure we were going to see a crash right there and then. But after balancing it there for a bit he just went straight up and out of sight. It was AWEsome to watch!

Sorry, I was reminiscing. I apologize. I am glad you took some time off, flew some, had fun in general :D
Looking forward to the throttles. Those look hard to do, but I can't draw a straight line with a ruler. About as artistic as a rock...
Have fun, no matter what :)