Author Topic: Custom Logo on Containers  (Read 7508 times)


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Custom Logo on Containers
« on: October 13, 2014, 04:14:12 am »

I wanted to see if it was possible to add a custom carrier logo as an option for the ULD containers. I have been adding a virtual airline to the GSX vehicles (with varying success; I think that issue where multiple handlers are displayed at certain parking spots is coming into play here) and wanted to see if I could get the containers as well. I think it would work if the parking spaces were set, but I wanted to try and get it to work like the ICAO code for the aircraft did such that it wouldn't matter which provider was servicing the aircraft.



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Re: Custom Logo on Containers
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2014, 05:45:37 am »
Actually, I think I got this to work using atc_parking_codes. Does GSX use anything besides that line to match ULDs? As a corallary, how would I go about changing the serial numbers on the side? I've gotten the logo to work, but it would be cool to change it from "AKH 001 FSDT" to something like "AKH 123 MV." I'm guessing that's this "plate" texture I see? I'll try and find a program I can use to modify that with.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 07:25:17 am by pilot3033 »


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Re: Custom Logo on Containers
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2014, 08:44:05 am »
If you read the PaintKit documentation, you'll probably find most of the informations you need, to know the basics, the PaintKit contains a sample pallet with a custom FSDT livery, that also comes with its own serial number plate. The only thing you can't do, is having different serial number for each pallet that gets loaded on the airplane.

I think that issue where multiple handlers are displayed at certain parking spots is coming into play here

This has been fixed, just be sure you use the latest vehicles updates, or the latest GSX full installer.


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Re: Custom Logo on Containers
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2014, 09:07:46 am »
If you read the PaintKit documentation, you'll probably find most of the informations you need, to know the basics, the PaintKit contains a sample pallet with a custom FSDT livery, that also comes with its own serial number plate. The only thing you can't do, is having different serial number for each pallet that gets loaded on the airplane.

I think that issue where multiple handlers are displayed at certain parking spots is coming into play here

This has been fixed, just be sure you use the latest vehicles updates, or the latest GSX full installer.

I was able to append the logos. I am using the latest version, and did a clean install not long ago with updates being applied as they're released. It seems there is still something odd with the scoring system on my machine. Using my custom airline I have yet to get the belt loader to match up, even though the sim.cfg in the _USER folder is identical to the standard one except with my parking code and airports inputted. GSX recognizes "my airline," as it will only show me parking for it at airports I have provided an AFCAD for.

At FSDT-LAX right now, I am at gate 59 with a Delta 767. GSX recognizes it's Delta, offered me only "my airline" gates, and yet has yet to provide Delta equipment, despite it's score being 4.5 (KLAX in the sim.cfg, and .5 for the parking space). I got Alaska twice and United twice, American once. The ULDs are labeled as "Delta," however. Likewise when I use my custom airline which I gave a parking space at Terminal 3. It should be scoring a 4.5. No custom equipment, but the containers do match. I had assumed since I left ASA in the parking codes that it was a "tie" and thus random, but I can't explain getting UAL, ASA and AAL at Terminal 5.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 09:11:09 am by pilot3033 »


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Re: Custom Logo on Containers
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2014, 09:32:42 am »
I was able to append the logos. I am using the latest version, and did a clean install not long ago with updates being applied as they're released

"not long ago", apparently means you downloaded the full installer BEFORE the problem was fixed.

As I've said, it's a problem that can be fixed ONLY with downloading one of the vehicles updates OR the GSX full installer, which is why I told you to download one of those and not just apply the Live Updates because, the Live Updates do not update all the vehicles, just the GSX code, and this wasn't a bug of the code, but a bug of the vehicles.

If the problem could be fixed just with a Live Update, I would just said to be sure you applied all the Live Updates...

At FSDT-LAX right now, I am at gate 59 with a Delta 767. GSX recognizes it's Delta, offered me only "my airline" gates, and yet has yet to provide Delta equipment, despite it's score being 4.5 (KLAX in the sim.cfg, and .5 for the parking space). I got Alaska twice and United twice, American once.

With the current version of the vehicles, I tried KLAX at gate 59 with a Delta Aerosoft A319, with the AFCAD as supplied in the normal FSDT installer, and got all Delta equipment at the first try, see the screenshot.


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Re: Custom Logo on Containers
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2014, 04:09:22 am »
Cool. I have run the latest full installer from the GSX product page and can replicate your results with Delta and other carriers. However, I am unable to get the custom belt loader to appear properly.

The texture CFG:

The Sim.cfg:
couatl.atc_parking_codes =MET, MVA, MAV


static_pitch=0.0            //degrees, pitch when at rest on the ground (+=Up, -=Dn)
static_cg_height=-100.0     //feet, altitude of CG when at rest on the ground

max_speed_mph = 5
acceleration_constants = 0.3, 0.4     //Time constant (effects responsiveness), and max G acceleration
deceleration_constants = 0.2, 0.4     //Time constant (effects responsiveness), and max G acceleration

type = ConveyorBelt
cruise_speed = 3   // meters/sec
condition = %(exitAlt)f >= 1.2
front_wheels = 1.0
rear_wheels = 1.6
extension = 4.0,2.6
height = 1.2,5.0
belt_offset = 0.37
train_offset = 4.93

anim_lift = FSDT_Baggage_Loader 0
anim_lift_up = 0 300 30
anim_lift_down = 300 0 30

anim_belt = FSDT_Baggage_Loader_Man 0
anim_belt_mantoposition = 0 360 30 next idleone
anim_belt_idleone = 360 640 30 loop
anim_belt_idleone_unload = 640 670 30
anim_belt_idleone_load = 640 670 30
anim_belt_unload = 670 1290 30 next idletwo
anim_belt_load = 1290 670 30 next idletwo
anim_belt_idletwo = 1290 1500 30 loop
anim_belt_mantodrive = 1500 1910 30
anim_belt__actions = 930 grab 980 drop 1020 grab 1070 drop 1110 grab 1160 drop 1200 grab 1260 drop 1289 wagonfull

And the model.cfg:

Folder: FSDT_Baggage_Loader_USER
Subfolders: model.01, texture.FSDT, texture.MET

Not sure if I'm missing anything. All of the custom vehicles show up properly (although I haven't tested with AFCADs yet, just airports that score 4 on the ICAO). I thought about reinstalling the paint kit, but all of the model folders fallback to the standard objects.

Here is a screenshot:

Here is another at an airport who's ICAO code is only attached to my airline:

EDIT: I tested it after modifying LAX to have my MET ICAO code at Gate 34. One tractor was my logo, one was Alaska, with a jetBlue beltloader and my own stairs. Each time I reset and request service there is some mix of airlines, as if I'm not getting the extra 0.5 for the matching ICAO code.
On my second attempt at this parking spot, I got all Alaska. On my third attempt, I got all "Metro" with the exception of a jetBlue beltloader.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 08:23:34 am by pilot3033 »


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Re: Custom Logo on Containers
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2014, 11:04:13 am »
You must have a complete set of vehicles in order to add a new operator. If GSX decides for an operator, but some vehicles are missing, it will use other available liveries.

Note that, the "triggering" object to decide for an operator, is the Baggage loader, which drives the operator selection. So, if you have a custom Baggage loader, that is acting as a trigger to assign the custom operator, if you don't supply with a complete set in the same livery, they will be used from other candidates, even at a lower score (better having a lower scored candidate, rather than no vehicle...)


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Re: Custom Logo on Containers
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2014, 05:24:38 pm »
You must have a complete set of vehicles in order to add a new operator. If GSX decides for an operator, but some vehicles are missing, it will use other available liveries.

Note that, the "triggering" object to decide for an operator, is the Baggage loader, which drives the operator selection. So, if you have a custom Baggage loader, that is acting as a trigger to assign the custom operator, if you don't supply with a complete set in the same livery, they will be used from other candidates, even at a lower score (better having a lower scored candidate, rather than no vehicle...)

Right, I figured something like that was the case. I do have a customized baggage loader set, though, and it's actually the only thing that doesn't appear. I put the text of the various config files for the baggage loader in the post above to make sure that I wasn't missing anything in there that might cause it to not show up. I ran into that issue with one of the staircases: the model cfg was calling for the wrong model. I've gotten every other staircase and cargoloader to show up, just not the belt loader. The only vehicles I did not repaint were the catering trucks.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 05:26:11 pm by pilot3033 »


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Re: Custom Logo on Containers
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2014, 10:21:17 pm »
It's not possible to help you without having a look at all the files you customized.


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Re: Custom Logo on Containers
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2014, 10:27:36 pm »
It's not possible to help you without having a look at all the files you customized.

I will upload them when I get home. Thanks!


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Re: Custom Logo on Containers
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2014, 05:48:05 am »
Files attached.

In my latest test, I have been getting GSX to attempt to load my custom baggage loader by editing an AFCAD  files to have gates that only have my operator listed on the parking space. GSX does so, but no object appears. The stairs and cargo loader (as I have been testing with the project airbus A319 and A320) go to their maximum height. When I reset the parking (ctrl+F12, 6) and start over, GSX chooses another operator. I see "handling by: American/United/Frontier/Etc," and the specified airline's baggage loader shows up, but all of the remaining vehicles contain my custom logo. As I said, I wondered if it was just a matter of there being something up with how GSX was scoring and dealing with potential ties, but I eliminated that by ensuing the parking was only for "MET," the ICAO I've used for all of these customized objects.

Very curious about this one. The only thing I haven't tried is putting my repaints into the regular folder.

A note about the .zip file, I have not applied the custom logo to the catering vehicles with the exception of the van.


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Re: Custom Logo on Containers
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2014, 02:44:44 pm »
Had a look at your files, and found two problems:

- You based your files on a very old PaintKit, one that was released in 2012, before GSX even had cargo loaders. So, the SIM.CFG for the Baggage Loader, that has the highest priority on the operator selection, was obsolete and not supported by the current version of GSX, so the vehicle was rejected.

- You must have renamed the MODEL.CFG file for the Baggage loader as MODEL.CFG.CFG, this is usually the result of having the option to hide known file extensions enabled in Windows, so you can get easily confused what the real name of a file is. This made the model invisible, even after fixing the other issue. The file that comes with the PaintKit has the correct name, of course.

- You can't use the MET, MAV and MVA codes for your own airline, because they are already taken and are assigned to "Meteorological Research Flight", "Marina Aeroservice" and "Mississippi Valley Airways". If you want to know which parking codes GSX uses, they are the same as ADE or AFX, the list is the ParkingSpec.dat file in ADE or ParkingSpecs.txt in AFX.

GSX doesn't read these files, it has its own internal database, but the content is the same.

In this case, when you want to add a repaint not included in that list and have its own parking code in the AFCAD triggering an higher score, you must use a code that doesn't exists, for example _MET (as I did in the files I fixed for you). Since the airport AFCAD parking codes cannot be longer than 4 characters, putting an underscore in front might be a good solution.

However, using this method will result in GSX saying "Handling provided by _MET", because if there's no proper name for that code, GSX will just print the code.

If you don't like this, you can always use the full name in the Couatl.atc_parking_codes of the SIM.CFG file, like this:


This solution will have the advantage of seeing the full name displayed, but in this  case, you'll have to remove the _MET code from the affected parkings in the AFCAD, and also remove ALL codes, leaving the parking codes list in ADE empty. This is necessary, because if you leave the _MET code in the AFCAD and have Metroair in the SIM.CFG, they won't match, and if you leave the other airline codes (AA, UAL, etc.) in the AFCAD, they will always "win" against your airline because of their higher score.

With an empty parking codes list in the AFCAD, at least your Metroair airline will have the same score of 4 as all the others competing at the airport, and will have a chance to appear, with its full name. Unfortunately, the AFCAD specs don't allow for codes longer than 4 characters, otherwise we could simply use Metroair as a code, but we can't.

So, in brief, if you want to have your airline to *always* appear at a certain parking, name it _MET in the SIM.CFG files, and edit the AFCAD to have ONLY the _MET code at the affected parkings. You will see the airline being called "_MET" by GSX

If, instead, if want a custom name, name the airline as "Metroair" in the SIM.CFG, and remove ALL codes from the AFCAD, this will have the airline being called with the proper name, but it will only appear randomly, in competition with all the others with the same basic score at the affected airport.

Attached is the fixed set of vehicles.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2014, 02:47:15 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Custom Logo on Containers
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2014, 05:16:58 pm »
Appreciate what you've done, Umberto! I grabbed the paintkit from the link and wasn't aware it wasn't the latest version. The model.cfg.cfg thing was the result of last second tinkering.

As for the ICAO codes, I did notice that "MET" existed already, and having it display as "_MET" wouldn't be an issue. However, is there any reason I can't use "MET" and have it display as "Meteorological Research Flight" anyway? That is, does GSX behave differently if it matches an ICAO code versus if it doesn't?

The custom name would be nice, but it's not as important as that extra 0.5 score.

Cheers and thanks again!


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Re: Custom Logo on Containers
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2014, 05:18:56 pm »
However, is there any reason I can't use "MET" and have it display as "Meteorological Research Flight" anyway? That is, does GSX behave differently if it matches an ICAO code versus if it doesn't?

Well, of course you can use MET, and see your airline announced as "Meteorological Research Flight", that's up to you. Whether you call it MET or _MET doesn't make any difference to the score.


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Re: Custom Logo on Containers
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2014, 05:20:26 pm »
However, is there any reason I can't use "MET" and have it display as "Meteorological Research Flight" anyway? That is, does GSX behave differently if it matches an ICAO code versus if it doesn't?

Well, of course you can use MET, and see your airline announced as "Meteorological Research Flight", that's up to you. Whether you call it MET or _MET doesn't make any difference to the score.

Duly noted. Thanks!