Products Support > XPOI FSX/P3D

Filtering and color feature request

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I got XPOI's very cool(!) but talk about an overwhelming amount of stuff!  Even turning some of the settings down it's a lot.  Some really, really useful features would be

* Allow users to color code the arrows...bodies of water blue, hospitals pink, buildings gray, parks green, etc.
* Allow users to filter certain words like "Trailer", "Mobile", "Gulch", etc. I like seeing parks and estates..."Jackson Trailer Park and "Lincoln Mobile Home Estates", um...not so much.
* Allow users to filter lesser important things.  Tiny towns that barely makeup an intersection seem to cover England, etc.
* Allow users to filter categories or smaller things based on distance.  Cemeteries, churches, etc.
* A 'lite', less ostentatious mode, where all of the points don't overwhelm you.  Flying around KMRY I was pretty swamped with stuff all around me and couldn't read much of anything.  A dot with a name near the ground might be sufficient...or just the name...or something.
Any of those features would be nice.  It'd make the tool more useful and practical.  



--- Quote ---Allow users to filter certain words like "Trailer", "Mobile", "Gulch", etc. I like seeing parks and estates..."Jackson Trailer Park and "Lincoln Mobile Home Estates", um...not so much.
--- End quote ---

This might be an useful feature.

But all the rest of your suggestions, seems to indicate you really haven't explored all the filtering options. Most of the cluttering comes from the smaller features under the "Spot, Building, Farm" category, and there you have lots of sub-categories like churches, etc. you can turn on/off individually.

Same for the "Population" category, it has sub-categories so you can filter out the smaller towns.

But all the rest of your suggestions, seems to indicate you really haven't explored all the filtering options. Most of the cluttering comes from the smaller features under the "Spot, Building, Farm" category, and there you have lots of sub-categories like churches, etc. you can turn on/off individually.

Same for the "Population" category, it has sub-categories so you can filter out the smaller towns.

I turned off more today and it helped some.  Seems if I turn off Populated Place, it turns off names of pretty large towns as well as the intersections towns.  Still, not the end of the world since larger towns have hospitals, railway stations, etc. that identify it.  Still, some more control would be welcome.

Is color coding or smaller tagging a bad idea?  In places that have a lot of things, if the tag was nothing more than a string at 100 AGL like FSDiscover does, you might be able to at least read the things.  In most places you want to have a fair amount turned on but then you come into Monterey, San Francisco and places like that and you have two choices...either shut it off or change filters big time so you can read any of the tags.  Honestly, as it is, I think I'd have to keep it turned off over any city. 

EDIT:  Here's a picture of Monterey with quite a lot turned off...


--- Quote ---I turned off more today and it helped some.  Seems if I turn off Populated Place, it turns off names of pretty large towns as well as the intersections towns.
--- End quote ---

As I've said, you really should use the sub-categories because, under Populated Places, there are 3 sub-categories for Major cities, Populated places and Localities.

--- Quote ---  Still, not the end of the world since larger towns have hospitals, railway stations, etc. that identify it.  Still, some more control would be welcome.
--- End quote ---

You have a lot of control, if you use filters for sub-categories, instead of filtering it out a whole category.

--- Quote ---In places that have a lot of things, if the tag was nothing more than a string at 100 AGL like FSDiscover does, you might be able to at least read the things.
--- End quote ---

XPOI works in a very different way with strings, I found FSDiscover AI labels-styled are ugly to look at, and you shouldn't forget that the database density in XPOI is about 3 times FSDiscover, especially in the US, since XPOI has about as many POIs in the US alone, as FSDiscover in the entire world.

--- Quote ---EDIT:  Here's a picture of Monterey with quite a lot turned off...

--- End quote ---

You don't seem to have turned off much, I see entire categories like parks, beaches, etc. still enabled. Here's a picture around KSFO, with just the Populated places (the whole category) turned on:

I uninstalled it. 


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