yea it was tight, unfortunately it can't be like real life when they do the catering service then the baggage loading.
They obviously don't both service the airplane at the same time, surely not with an airplane so short, but we clearly can't change the whole GSX service procedure and timings, just because this specific airplane, when you can simply disable a vehicle (that was the whole point of *having* the ability to disable services, to provide for these cases), either the catering OR the baggage loader, your choice, and we chose to disable the front loader, but nobody stops you to do a different configuration on your own. Initially, GSX didn't even had a front baggage loader.
OR, you can just ignore the guy that loads luggage going through the engine, and have them both, your choice, it's not as if you don't have options but of course, if WE made a configuration that way, users would assume it would be a bug, more than an intentionally disabled front baggage loader vehicle.