Author Topic: No solution to HNL stutter problem  (Read 13049 times)


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No solution to HNL stutter problem
« on: August 20, 2014, 06:11:14 am »
I posted a topic again no response for stuttering in Honolulu. This is the only airport that does this what can I do to fix this. It begins on approach 10 to 12nm out. Why so many problems with FSDT stuff?? Can some please help. Yes I have the latest update and my couatl  and addon mgr are in the drop down menu.


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Re: No solution to HNL stutter problem
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2014, 11:07:53 am »
I posted a topic again no response for stuttering in Honolulu

Now that you posted it in the correct forum, it got a better chance to be answered. You posted it in the Hawaii airports forum, it wasn't entirely clear if you were reporting a problem that, after installing one of the Hawaii airports, you got stutters at PHNL as the result. Since I've checked your order, and you bought PHNL in 2013, I wondered why you were posting about PHNL (in the Hawaii forum) so many months after you bought it.

I can't see any stuttering at PHNL, and nobody else reported it. And there are no "problems" at all with FSDT stuff, if your system is running fine. Your description of the problem was very vague. Is this "stuttering" looking like random with small pauses ? Or, it's at regular intervals ?

If you see generic random small stuttering, as explained many times on the forum, you can control that with the "Anti-pop up" slider in the Addon Manager. Lower values results in less memory used and better fps, at the cost of some stuttering. Higher values means less stuttering, but more memory taken and lower fps too. Your choice. The Addon Manager gives you a choice, other sceneries don't have this luxury, and they are as if the slider was set to maximum, so the risk of OOMs and low fps is higher.

If, instead, you see a regular stuttering, like a pause every exactly 4 seconds, then you have an installation problem, like some files missing, which is not normally possible if you used our installer, but might happen if your FSX.CFG has been altered in the wrong way, usually because it has been hand-edited. But in this case, you should see many buildings missing too.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 11:12:57 am by virtuali »


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Re: No solution to HNL stutter problem
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2014, 09:01:03 pm »
I find it quite interesting that you know such specific details of my issue and you claim no one else has ever reported it ? It is in regular intervals something like every 3or4 sec. and no I have not altered my FSX.cfg file there no buildings missing and once I am 10nm from the airport it stops. I have tried reloading and playing with the slider heavy and light density ,Still happens. This issue is only at Honolulu. It does not happen at KIAH, CYVR, KORD,KFLL or Hawwaii 1 which I have purchased in recent months. WHY did I wait so long, well I dont always fly out there and have now had the time to try to enjoy this product. YES I used your installer! and let me reiterate: [short pauses regular       
intervals] In all of your dialog I did not see a solution to anything I have not already tried. Now what??


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Re: No solution to HNL stutter problem
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2014, 10:27:36 pm »
I find it quite interesting that you know such specific details of my issue and you claim no one else has ever reported it ?

And what this is supposed to mean ? Nobody reported it before for PHNL, but since all sceneries works the same way, I could present you the two different kind of stuttering (because you haven't described it accurately enough in your first message), in order to understand what's the problem in YOUR case.

I know the "specific details" of this issue, because I obviously know how the program works, and the object creation process is running at 4 seconds intervals, so if there are objects missing, the program would make a pause every 4 seconds, trying to create an object that is not installed.

Now, since (just to be sure), before replying to your message, I tried installing PHNL, and of course got no stuttering whatsoever, it's clear the problem must be on your system, because the installer surely won't forget to install files that are supposed to be there.

You can activate the Simconnect diagnostic mode to see what's wrong with your install:

Open notepad, and copy the following text:

Code: [Select]
; file=c:\simconnect%03u.log
; file_next_index=0
; file_max_index=9

Save the file as SIMCONNECT.INI in this folder:

Documents And Settings\YOUR LOGIN NAME\Documents\Microsoft Flight Simulator X Files

At the next FSX launch, you should see a text window with diagnostic message, that should tell what's going wrong. Hopefully, you should see an error message of some kind, every 4 seconds, when flying over PHNL.


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Re: No solution to HNL stutter problem
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2014, 03:17:58 pm »

Installed PHNL a couple of days ago, I too have the stuttering problem, I uninstalled PHNL after reading about the problem in the forum, then re-installed PHNL from scratch
the stuttering problem still exists even if I disable some files that might cause a frame hit. FPS constantly runs at 30fps which is what I have it set to.

Henry Munro (fruitnnut)


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Re: No solution to HNL stutter problem
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2014, 03:28:55 pm »
Read my previous reply, and do what is being instructed there.


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Re: No solution to HNL stutter problem
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2014, 09:32:56 pm »
I did what you suggested, and at the launch of Flight Simulator I see the notepad box but it goes away after about 2 seconds giving me know time to
analyse what it contains. Is there a way to make the box stay on the screen for longer.

Henry Munro (fruitnnut)


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Re: No solution to HNL stutter problem
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2014, 10:18:04 pm »
Is there a way to make the box stay on the screen for longer.

The "Pause" key on the keyboard.


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Re: No solution to HNL stutter problem
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2014, 03:47:59 pm »
After starting FSX, the notepad box associated with SIMCONNECT, tells me that there is a problem with the following:-
bglmanx Dynamic Link Library
Version 2,9,0,24
File: bglmanx.dll
Also asks me if I want to run this software (not recommended)
Is this associated with the stutter problem?
Henry Munro (fruitnnut)


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Re: No solution to HNL stutter problem
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2014, 05:15:02 pm »
Be sure you are using the CURRENT version of the Addon Manager. If not, download the latest Stand-Alone Addon Manager for FSX installer and install it now.


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Re: No solution to HNL stutter problem
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2014, 09:02:29 pm »
I am using the most up to date Add-On Manager, I have uninstalled PHNL and re-installed everything as per instructions,
the message I get during FSX start-up, tells me to uninstall bglmanx.dll to stop this message appearing, I have done that
then uninstalled PHNL again, re-installed PHNL and the latest Add-on Manager. During FSX start-up, I still get this message
as stated before, on the Upper task bar in FSX under add-ons, there is no Add-On Manager or Couatl listed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Henry Munro (fruitnnut)


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Re: No solution to HNL stutter problem
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2014, 10:26:52 pm »
the message I get during FSX start-up, tells me to uninstall bglmanx.dll to stop this message appearing, I have done that
then uninstalled PHNL again, re-installed PHNL and the latest Add-on Manager. During FSX start-up

You should do exactly the opposite as that message says: ALLOW the module to run, even if it crashes. Eventually, try after a Window restart, the message usually goes away, it's an known FSX bug in the trust system.


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Re: No solution to HNL stutter problem
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2014, 05:16:58 pm »
Hi Umberto,

Thanks for all your help, everything working now, one question, is it advisable to download and install the add-on manager
after each new installation even if the latest version is included.

Thanks again,
Henry Munro (fruitnnut)


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Re: No solution to HNL stutter problem
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2014, 09:24:33 am »
is it advisable to download and install the add-on manager  after each new installation even if the latest version is included.

Not really, since the latest version it's being downloaded from the same place by all our installers.