Flew the new version last night for a while. 15.6
I noticed the the roll axis was, on my mind, a LOT more sensitive during PA than previously. One little movement of the stick, and I'd be inverted, or close to. During normal, UA flight, perfect, for me, in all 3 axes. Bear in mind I am FAR from a real pilot, btw. I just know how it used to fly vs how now, Brown Cow. During PA, the pitch sensitivity remains "normal", it's just the roll.
Additionally, the engines seem underpowered above about 20 or 25k MSL. Below that, the power response seems perfectly normal, again, to me. I also noticed that N2 RPM reading wouldn't go above about 94% at the higher altitudes also. The Data page (shft+8) indicates N2 of 126%, and the AB's lit normally, it was just the engine page on the left DDI. The power delivered doesn't seem to match up though, even with the AB's lit, very little "Oomph" out of the engines.
I never did see the "stuck elevator" effect occur, but it may just be my system? I tried to get it to happen, but I'll try again during today's flights. I will duplicate the "take-off into a loop" maneuver and see what happens. I am presuming you were at Full AB during the maneuver, and during take-off. I have noticed that on occasion, my stick inputs are ignored by the plane, but I am presuming it's my system's problem, not the plane. The control surfaces just freeze in their last position for a few seconds then respond normally again.
They seem to burn more fuel by a long a shot than previously, at all altitudes. Normally, I can do 10-15 bounces at Coupeville before I run down to 4000lbs (clean configuration) which is my personal bingo, since I can't change it on the IEFI still (Not complaining, just commenting

As always, no rush at all), in the 15.6 only about 1/2 that. I didn't hawk the fuel consumption or power generated on the engine page or the Data Gauge during my flights, although I will next time I fly it, later today.
One positive note: It doesn't depart as easily or severely during post-stall, high AOA maneuvers. This to me is a huge improvement. The maneuvers seem smoother, and more stable than previously. It also seems to bleed energy during high-g maneuvers more rapidly than previously, but that may have been a result of the engines situation I mentioned coupled to the altitude I started at (35K MSL).
I plan, with your permission naturally, to make some changes to the .air file, and perhaps to the aircraft.cfg. I will try to keep track of what I change and how much for what result, and I can post the results here if you like.
I DO have some rather limited time each day for this, but I will do the best I can as fast as I can. Again, if you permit, and want me to make such changes. I plan on using the Training version.
OH! the panel's callout for the sound gauge's .ini file was for the A-A version's path, for some reason, which I haven't DL'd yet, so I changed the path to be the Training version, which I was using.
I did like the night-time illumination, up to a point. The external lights/textures were great. I prefer the green panel illumination for night, but that's a personal preference, realistic or not. I changed MINE, it's not a mandatory change. Again, personal preference. The Speedbrake light on the panel is still weak and invisable at night, even before I made any changes. The Flaps/Gear indicator lights are so strong, however that there's no way to see any changes. Gear up? Who knows! Again, even before any changes. The AOA indicator tot he left of the HUD frame also flashes regardless of the Hook Bypass switch's position, and regardless of the Hook position, as though the switch were in Carrier and the hook was up.
That's what's going on so far! I do love the plane, and want it to be as perfect as possible
