Author Topic: F/A-18 C/D aircraft mod and textures (FSX/P3D)  (Read 235103 times)


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #225 on: August 14, 2015, 08:55:05 pm »
Oh no! I am sorry, Peter!  :'(  >:(
I hope you get things squared away soon, for your own peace of mind. Me, I am way too old and fat to worry about the word "Hurry"! Take all the time you want. I am sure we are all rooting for you, and I know I'll be around for a long time to come, so if you need anything I can do or provide...

Anyway, good luck, and I hope things go smoothly hence-forth! Just a thought: You might consider using SSD's vice the "old", moving type HD's if/when you buy  new ones. I understand they are very reliable now-a-days, and much faster...

So, all the best, and take lots of breaks, they really help keep the frustration levels down. Go outside, enjoy the summertime weather, sit on the grass and read your favorite book, again  ;D Just get AWAY from the computer.
Or drink heavily! LOL! :D


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #226 on: August 14, 2015, 11:48:18 pm »
Thanks for your kind words, Pat.
I am already over it, mostly - as they say, there is no use crying about split milk. It just felt quite surreal when you slowly realize that what was there just a day ago is now gone for good. Just as if a magic fairy appeared and let a part of your furniture disappear you have had around and got accustomed to, right in front of your eyes. The other thing is that one does not really think that it will happen to oneself, unless it does - you just believe having figured it all out, and you learn something new!

For some short moment there I even had faint hope when I was able to recover several thousand files with the help of forensic software and it boldly marked these files being in good condition (i.e. not being 0KB ), because I hadn't touched the disk since. But the fully automated disk defragmentation already did a good job, and I could not even recover a single uncorrupted texture. And in the best case just being able to recover only around 15-25% of the top of some texture, with the rest of the files just being mash or gone, really doesn't cut it.

Yes, I do use SSDs which make the system react much snappier but only for my system drives and only in a Raid1 setup with conventional HDDs, in case it shows data corruption and becomes unreliable, which in my case it usually does after 3-4 years, I just have to swap in a new one a few days later, and I am back to full speed without having to deal with downtime and the need to manually recover my system.

Concerning the weather which was really good and quite hot, so I was out with my bicycle a lot of days enjoying the summertime and the beautiful countryside. Thank God for that, had it been raining, probably a lot more work would have been lost?  ;D

Best regards, Peter


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #227 on: August 16, 2015, 01:49:44 am »
In the newest version has anyone else noticed when you pull full back or near full back on stick going into vertical it continues to pull after releasing the stick? I have not notice it happen in a level high G turn, just when pulling near vertical or near vertical the pull continues. Is this something with G limiter or auto trim or what?


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #228 on: August 16, 2015, 06:53:17 am »
I would think that any maneuver that is pitch only, say do the roll, neutralize the stick, THEN start to pull hard, would do the same thing. I'll look tonight and report back!
Are there specific speeds involved in each maneuver? Like say 350 to go vertical, but only 250 for hte High G turn? I have no idea if it's a important clue or not, but sometimes...Like is the G in the turn sustained? How about the vertical pull? Short burst of G then back to 1.0 as you relax pull? If so, how much G?
Like I say, NO idea if any of it matters, I am just trying to think of possibilities. And I'm getting a headache...:D

I'm going flying...


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #229 on: August 16, 2015, 01:02:06 pm »
Hi Azframer, these hickups can sometimes happen in rare circumstances, as I hoped, and are to be expected due to how currently G-Limiters and AoA-Limiters are implemented. You can find them in the Pitch_Auto_Trim.xml at the lower end.

With update v2.3.0 ( I decided to implement these to mimic the limits of an FCS/FCC, so the bird cannot be pushed into too unrealistick flight envelops. Trying to mimic the limiters with the help of xml gauges, trigger thresholds (yoke position, elevator position) need to be set. The side effect of these are bounce off (reaching limits) and in some rare cases delayed yoke position feedback (during stick release). If you set these % trigger values too high, the plane can be pushed beyond the limits at certain speeds before trigger thresholds are effectively met. If you set these lower the transition in/out of the limits will be smoother, but in rare cases they sometimes appear to be stuck. This usually happens when your system is already stressed to the max. with textures, effects, etc. during fast maneuvers or switching view points, it can not process all data in a timely manner and xml gauge processing gets delayed or even messed up, as I have become to realize.
I tweaked these values to the best of my knowledge to give a smooth as possible transition into limits while avoiding any associated hickups. Will check the theshold values before the next release and try to ease them a little bit.

With Jimi's and Orion's progressing efforts on implementing PIDs I hope that will have to rely on xml gauge workarounds to mimic FSC/FCC characteristics much less in the future.

I hope my explanations could shed some light on these issues.
Best regards, Peter

P.S. My intention has always been to have an as smooth as possible flight experience, meaning to have as many FPS as one can get out of one's system without sacrificing the overall visual experience too much. This is also the reason why I decided to use 1024 size textures instead of 2048 or even 4096 ones - up to a 3.0 zoom you won't see a difference even on HD monitor resolution, but it helps a big deal with FPS over large cities, e.g. L.A. or New York. Not being a texture enthusiast to the extreme, marvelling its accuracy/detail at a 6.0 zoom, I rather have a nice variety of as distinct and good as possible looking schemes, being fun to fly so one does not get bored that easily. This also helps to keep the size of the project in check, as textures slowly seem to grow with an increasing number - especially at night, when it rains, they double up.  :D
« Last Edit: August 16, 2015, 02:28:00 pm by hd764jvgd843 »


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #230 on: August 16, 2015, 06:24:58 pm »
Pat the first time I noticed it I was in Blue Angel 1 taking off from NAS Pensacola and was going to do a loop, when I started pull and I got over G warning and relaxed the stick and G effects kicked in and it continued to blackout so I went to exterior view and noticed elevators were still in up position, even with stick relaxed to neutral position.
The second time I notice was setting up a flight to see how formation flying was using flight recorder, flying from NAS Pensacola to Eglin, sweeping right turn flying down the beach almost to Bama state line and turning sweeping right turn to line up on runway 7R pitch up and then to left was the plan, but it locked again on pitch up, it even continued when I rolled left. I did find this out when in a locked up elevator condition pull back and release quickly will get it to release upward pitch and go neutral.



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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #231 on: August 16, 2015, 06:44:46 pm »

Remember that the trim is not functional during Up & Away flight conditions.  You wouldn't happen to have trim set to an axis would you?  If so, it might be kicking in.  Might want to check and make sure it's zeroed out prior to takeoff.

Justin "Jimi" Hendrix
FSX Blue Angels
FSXBA F/A-18C Hornet Latest Download Link:,6944.msg117011.html#msg1


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #232 on: August 16, 2015, 07:35:50 pm »
I don't have trim on my flight controller it is keyboard controlled, same thing happens with your new version of the hornet just released as well.



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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #233 on: August 16, 2015, 08:26:29 pm »
Flew the new version last night for a while. 15.6
I noticed the the roll axis was, on my mind, a LOT more sensitive during PA than previously. One little movement of the stick, and I'd be inverted, or close to. During normal, UA flight, perfect, for me, in all 3 axes. Bear in mind I am FAR from a real pilot, btw. I just know how it used to fly vs how now, Brown Cow. During PA, the pitch sensitivity remains "normal", it's just the roll.
Additionally, the engines seem underpowered above about 20 or 25k MSL. Below that, the power response seems perfectly normal, again, to me. I also noticed that N2 RPM reading wouldn't go above about 94% at the higher altitudes also. The Data page (shft+8) indicates N2 of 126%, and the AB's lit normally, it was just the engine page on the left DDI. The power delivered doesn't seem to match up though, even with the AB's lit, very little "Oomph" out of the engines.

I never did see the "stuck elevator" effect occur, but it may just be my system? I tried to get it to happen, but I'll try again during today's flights. I will duplicate the "take-off into a loop" maneuver and see what happens. I am presuming you were at Full AB during the maneuver, and during take-off. I have noticed that on occasion, my stick inputs are ignored by the plane, but I am presuming it's my system's problem, not the plane. The control surfaces just freeze in their last position for a few seconds then respond normally again.

They seem to burn more fuel by a long a shot than previously, at all altitudes. Normally, I can do 10-15 bounces at Coupeville before I run down to 4000lbs (clean configuration) which is my personal bingo, since I can't change it on the IEFI still (Not complaining, just commenting :) As always, no rush at all), in the 15.6 only about 1/2 that. I didn't hawk the fuel consumption or power generated on the engine page or the Data Gauge during my flights, although I will next time I fly it, later today.
One positive note: It doesn't depart as easily or severely during post-stall, high AOA maneuvers. This to me is a huge improvement. The maneuvers seem smoother, and more stable than previously. It also seems to bleed energy during high-g maneuvers more rapidly than previously, but that may have been a result of the engines situation I mentioned coupled to the altitude I started at (35K MSL).
I plan, with your permission naturally, to make some changes to the .air file, and perhaps to the aircraft.cfg. I will try to keep track of what I change and how much for what result, and I can post the results here if you like.
I DO have some rather limited time each day for this, but I will do the best I can as fast as I can. Again, if you permit, and want me to make such changes. I plan on using the Training version.
OH! the panel's callout for the sound gauge's .ini file was for the A-A version's path, for some reason, which I haven't DL'd yet, so I changed the path to be the Training version, which I was using.
I did like the night-time illumination, up to a point. The external lights/textures were great. I prefer the green panel illumination for night, but that's a personal preference, realistic or not. I changed MINE, it's not a mandatory change. Again, personal preference. The Speedbrake light on the panel is still weak and invisable at night, even before I made any changes. The Flaps/Gear indicator lights are so strong, however that there's no way to see any changes. Gear up? Who knows! Again, even before any changes. The AOA indicator tot he left of the HUD frame also flashes regardless of the Hook Bypass switch's position, and regardless of the Hook position, as though the switch were in Carrier and the hook was up.
That's what's going on so far! I do love  the plane, and want it to be as perfect as possible :D


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #234 on: August 17, 2015, 05:51:07 am »
Thanks again.  This is a group project.  Of course you have permission to change and edit as needed.  I'll take a look at the roll rate.  Thanks again for the input.

Justin "Jimi" Hendrix
FSX Blue Angels
FSXBA F/A-18C Hornet Latest Download Link:,6944.msg117011.html#msg1


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #235 on: October 06, 2015, 01:12:39 am »
I have a pictures of the Splinter Hornet I did earlier in a newer paint scheme, I am slowly working through it now that I own Corel PaintShop Pro 7. It will be a while before I upload it. Just thought I would put it out there for now.



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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #236 on: October 06, 2015, 12:41:11 pm »
Thanks, much appreciated Azframer.
In case you get it finished before christmas, I will try to included it with the next update I intend to release between the years, when I will have a few days off, or early next year. Itching to get back to the hornet project.
Best regards,


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #237 on: October 06, 2015, 08:23:52 pm »
Mr. Azframer!
I heartily approve of that paint! But then, I'm biased: I worked in 101 when I was stationed in Yuma. They were the main F-4 N/J/S training squadron ;D I worked on the radar systems. I always loved the tail letters: SH.
We used to say it was Sierra Hotel (military for s^&* hot, if you understand what I mean).

I could tell some stories...
Anyway, feel free to make all the SH paints you want! Love em!


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX/P3D)
« Reply #238 on: October 27, 2015, 11:36:11 am »
Just wondering if anyone has painted the NH for VMFA-323 yet ?


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX/P3D)
« Reply #239 on: October 28, 2015, 01:38:00 am »
Do not think so, Corvette99. If you like I can put these schemes (normal + squadron leader) on my to do list of textures. They look quite nice and should not be too difficult to implement, leveraging on what we already have.

Best regards, Peter
« Last Edit: October 28, 2015, 01:42:44 am by hd764jvgd843 »