Hey Pat,
great to see you are alive and kicking too and thanks for your kind words.
Improving on perfection 
Yes, you are probably right. When we are finished with the bird, if it will ever be, probably long after the last legacy hornets have been phased out in 2022. The aircraft within the sim will be closer to reality than the actual Boeing simulators.

Joking apart, I strongly believe we can successfully mimic a lot of key features of the actural aircraft within the sim and try pushing the sim's current limitations (dynamic MOIs, weight issues, flight dynamics/envelope, transsonic and supersonic engine performance at various altitudes, etc.) with an adaptive FCS up to a point where we would be getting close.
I truely enjoy the tweaking and testing process and providing suggestions for improvement more than flying around. As I did with the old mods, too - the new FCS just offers so much more room for impovement, now.
Just take the transition in/out of the g limiters for instance. Compared to the older solutions they are true bliss and even with a plain joystick you will get now the feeling of an FCS being at work. Driving the aircraft into certain situations and see how 'Bob' handles the jet and to see if the output is what one would expect - also trying to mimic actual flight behaviour/envelopes like sideslip, AoA/G limits, speeds and accelerations, loadouts/weights etc. and experience these results/variations within the sim are the things that still keep and kept me interested.