Author Topic: Where is the AI traffic in JFK?  (Read 25063 times)


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Re: Where is the AI traffic in JFK?
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2008, 06:35:50 pm »
Lots of reasons but whats the solution? I tried unchecking aircraft shadows but no luck.


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Re: Where is the AI traffic in JFK?
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2008, 07:47:02 pm »
Lots of reasons but whats the solution? I tried unchecking aircraft shadows but no luck.

Aircraft shadows are not an issue at JFK (or KORD), it's just a problem that might appear at Zurich.

Traffic at JFK works just fine without any problems. If you don't see it, either it's a problem of the AI package you are using, or you are using a different AFCAD, or there's some kind of conflict of AFCADs, nothing related to the scenery anyway.


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Re: Where is the AI traffic in JFK?
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2008, 06:20:12 am »
Well it is related to the scenery because all the parking shows up as RAMP, either GA or cargo whereas no other airports do that which is probably causing a problem with AI. Does anybody have Just Flight's Traffic and able to get that to work with this scenery? If so, please let me know what to do.
Thanks  :)


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Re: Where is the AI traffic in JFK?
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2008, 10:11:58 am »
Well it is related to the scenery because all the parking shows up as RAMP, either GA or cargo whereas no other airports do that which is probably causing a problem with AI.

No, the only reason for that, is to get rid of the default ground vehicles and default ground markings, to be replaced by the custom ones.

The only effect on AI traffic would be that, IF AI models are missing the airline designation, they will start populating the airport with a different distribution, but they will show anyway.

If, instead, the AI models ARE correctly flagged with their airline code, they will park at the correct place.

We tested the scenery with default MS traffic, WorldOfAI, AiArdwark, EvolveAI, FSPainter and PAI models, and they all work just fine so, if you don't see any traffic, it's obviously nothing related to the scenery. There are also many screenshots from other users with AI traffic in this board so.


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Re: Runway.bgl causes AI planes to disappear
« Reply #19 on: November 28, 2008, 01:46:20 am »
Dear All,

I have discovered in custom airport sceneries that if you disable the runway.bgl file (used for displaying the runway approach lights), then you will see AI planes with shadows enabled. Unfortunately you lose the approach lights on the runway... Now if someone here can find out why the runway lights.bgl file is causing this conflict, maybe we will have a solution?!

Thanks and fingers crossed.