Author Topic: HELP  (Read 2227 times)


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  • Posts: 7
« on: July 17, 2014, 03:41:21 pm »
I purchased the products with the understanding that I would install them and use them. I installed the GSX and it worked fine. I then installed three airports O'Hare JFK and Las Vegas. When I restarted the FSX the Couatl Menu disappeared. The three airports that I installed are not visible. I am not a computer engineer or designer I just enjoy the flight simulator and you products greatly enhance that enjoyment when they work. If you check your records you find that this is my second time purchasing your products. The products are great but only for a person with extensive computer skills. Asking for help on this for a light pouring water into the ocean trying to make it rise. I still have hope and if someone can help me I would only be too happy to use to allow a qualified person attempt to solve my problem. Thanks in advance