Author Topic: Loss of FPS at DFW after install KIAH  (Read 6518 times)


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Loss of FPS at DFW after install KIAH
« on: July 15, 2014, 09:17:47 am »

For some reason after I installed KIAH tonight and checked it out I quit FSX, started ASN for the weather, then reloaded FSX with the NGX at KDFW for some touch and go's. For some reason KDFW was way lower performing than it used to be. I used to typically get 25+ FPS in all weather conditions at this airport in the NGX with my UT2 traffic at 70%. After installing KIAH the FPS are way lower, under 20 FPS now. When I was shooting my first approach the FPS were between 11 and 14 FPS. I've never experienced FPS like that at this airport since I got it. In fact, you know how I have raved about how well this airport performs, better than default, but now the FPS have tanked.

I did remember that in this thread,10208.0.html a user was complaining about the zoom levels having to be higher than .70 to get the taxi markings to show. You then said

Just wait for the patch we are working at NOW. Of course, you'll lose some fps, nothing is free in this world...

Meaning that you were essentially going to un-optimize the airport a bit to make the taxi lines visible when using those lower zoom levels. After I had read that back in May, I held off running any of the Addon Manager updates or any other updates as I was scared that I would get those updated files which I didn't want. I use a zoom of .80 and it works fine for me.

So, the question is, after I installed KIAH, did I get some new KDFW files that have changed something at KDFW to "fix" that users zoom level problem? I noticed that the _init_.pye file for KDFW in the Couatl/KDFW file had been updated to 7-4-2014 after installing KIAH. Also, I tested the taxiway and parking lines and zoomed way out to .30 and they still showed fine, which lead me to believe that something had been updated to make the taxi lines now work at a lower zoom level, but it has effected my FPS too much.

I still have KDFW installed but deactivated on my old machine but in good working order as I had left it before installing FSX on my new rig. Can I copy the old Couatl/KDFW python file back over to my new rig to restore the FPS and older optimization, or is there a file you can send me to bring it back to the older way that it worked were the taxi lines didn't work when zoomed out? I just want to get KDFW working the way it used to when I got 25+ FPS all the time. I dont care about the taxi lines not working as that other user did when zooming out. It worked fine for me the way it was before and I enjoyed the higher FPS.

Aside from installing KIAH I had not installed or made any changes to FSX or my computer prior to this that could have caused the problem. I just flew around KDFW in the NGX a few days ago prior to KIAH and it was working fine, which is why it lead me to believe that when installing KIAH and it downloaded updated files, it caused what ever happened to KDFW.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Loss of FPS at DFW after install KIAH
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2014, 09:27:44 am »
One other thing. As as test I loaded up the trike which always gives me FPS in the 50's or higher here and now the FPS are down in the 30's with the trike. I also zoomed out to .30 as a test and all the taxiway and parking lines are visible. I am guessing that that thing had been fixed the other user was complaining about but the FPS are way worse on my machine.


Just read the Live Update Log in the updater. Says:

May 12th: Improved visibility of ground markings and taxilights at KDFW.

This was the update I was trying to avoid since I liked the performance and the way it was prior, and hence the reason I didn't update anything since that note you posted. Please provide the old files so that I can return it to the way it was. Like I mentioned, KDFW was perfect the way it was, now for me its not smooth with FPS in the teens.

Thanks Umberto.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 09:33:00 am by cmpbllsjc »


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Re: Loss of FPS at DFW after install KIAH
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2014, 10:04:30 am »
It's not possible that just the change of LOD levels would result in so much difference. We obviously measured first and before the patch, and on my system, with the whole airport in view on a default A321, I get 25.2 fps average before the patch, and 23.2 fps average after. 2 fps out of 25 is more or less what I expected to lose.

It's not a question of "getting the old files", we haven't updated any files, it's just an update to the Python script that handles KDFW, I can let you test as it was before, this way:

1) Uninstall, then Reinstall KDFW, in order to un-patch the files

2) Put the attached .PYE file in the FSX\fsdreamteam\couatl\KDFW folder

This file doesn't patch the LOD levels, so it's exactly as it has always been.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 10:14:05 am by virtuali »


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Re: Loss of FPS at DFW after install KIAH
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2014, 03:43:47 pm »
Thanks Umberto. I'll give it a shot when I get home after work. Not sure why it hit my FPS so much compared to your results. Anyway,  I'll try your suggestions when I get home by reinstalling and replacing that .pye file.

Going forward,  will I need to replace that file after every time I update Addon Manager or install a new FSDT or Flight beam airport?


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Re: Loss of FPS at DFW after install KIAH
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2014, 10:06:10 pm »
Going forward,  will I need to replace that file after every time I update Addon Manager or install a new FSDT or Flight beam airport?

Yes, until you add some kind of preference setting to it. Right now, the overwhelming majority of users complained about disappearing taxi lines, and never noticed any fps loss, you are the only one that wanted LOD levels back...which I absolutely agree to...


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Re: Loss of FPS at DFW after install KIAH
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2014, 08:52:26 am »
Umberto, I followed the instructions and KDFW is back to normal. Flew some approaches in bad weather and the FPS were back into the high 20's to low 30's on final, just like before.

Like you, I use normal zoom levels, usually .80 and prefer the LOD levels for optimal performance. I'll keep a copy of that .pye file handy for use after updates.

Thanks again for the help.