Author Topic: CTD  (Read 64484 times)


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« Reply #75 on: October 25, 2008, 05:24:40 pm »
1. I tried re-downloading/re-installing KJFK/XPOI  5 times just to make sure that I didn't miss the correct upload by you and NONE of the installers are able to resolve the above problem HERE.

I'm sorry, but I've already tested and confirmed it twice: with the files YOU sent, both the first ones and the more recent ones, the EXE.XML is correctly handeld, both by JFK and by XPOI. You must have the wrong installer. Or you must have ANOTHER "customly corrupted" XML file (like the other time), that you haven't sent me yet.

ALL CTD with KJFK installed on "Exit the Sim from flight" and CTD at random (some in Flt. some just parked on the ground, with me doing nothing), HERE.

I'm sorry, but I don't want to repeat myself again: as long as you are the only one reporting it (and you are) and as long I can't reproduce it, there's nothing to do, and it's probably nothing you related to the scenery. If it WAS, we should have at least some other reports.


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« Reply #76 on: October 31, 2008, 04:27:24 am »

The CTD's are caused by ADDON MANAGER v2.5.1.1

1. It is somehow triggered when KJFK scenery is active in FSX's scenery library.

2. It, also, causes CTD's when I made purchases for FlorenceX and, today, when I purchased Cloud9's XCity Rome - and used the SAVE the .reg file(s) for each of these products.

Also, redownloaded the KJFK/XPOI/ADM today and same results with the EXE/DLL.xml file(s).  They are exactly the same files I gave/posted for you.  Your installer defends by erasing the original file and just replacing it with its own.

Yes, it happens here, and I'm the only reporting it; That is all!
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
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  James F. Chams


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« Reply #77 on: October 31, 2008, 08:55:23 am »
The CTD's are caused by ADDON MANAGER v2.5.1.1

They aren't. If they were, you would have seen a message coming from Windows about "bglmanx has a problem...", etc.

1. It is somehow triggered when KJFK scenery is active in FSX's scenery library.

That's even more proof that they are NOT created by the Addon Manager becuase that one is always running, not just when a scenery is active on the library.

2. It, also, causes CTD's when I made purchases for FlorenceX and, today, when I purchased Cloud9's XCity Rome - and used the SAVE the .reg file(s) for each of these products.

Nobody reported this as well (look at Cloud9 forum for proof). But please, don't start a support thread about Cloud9 here.

BUT, since you have a problem with saving and (see below about the EXE.XML) PERHAPS you have permissions messed up on your drive.

Also, redownloaded the KJFK/XPOI/ADM today and same results with the EXE/DLL.xml file(s).  They are exactly the same files I gave/posted for you

Works perfectly with the files you sent me.

Your installer defends by erasing the original file and just replacing it with its own.

It doesn't. Checked many times already. The new installer doesn't even try to fix the files by itself anymore. To fix the errors created by other installers, it now uses an official W3C validator, which is 100% sure to be working.

I'm the only reporting it

Yes, you are.


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« Reply #78 on: October 31, 2008, 06:22:01 pm »

I see with these continual response from you, that there is no solution in the making ... Am I to believe that you are stating that this is all in my head? Or all in 3 of my computers *heads*?

Its NOT a permissions issue and UAC is disabled; I check that all before I ever came to you ...  It is ADM v2.5.1.1 and I do get Windows errors reporting that the cause was bglmanx.dll after the CTD is reported and between an FSX restart being done.

When I remove KJFK from the library and use ADM v2.5.0.5 NO CTD's  Ofcourse, I can't use ParkMe, XPOI, etc. then.  :P :'(

Do you want me to post more screen shot of this ???
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
Thank you very much.
  James F. Chams


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« Reply #79 on: October 31, 2008, 07:10:20 pm »
Am I to believe that you are stating that this is all in my head? Or all in 3 of my computers *heads*?

No, I believe that you are experiencing problems. What I don't believe, is they are CAUSED by the scenery or the Addon Manager. If they were, we should have hear other similar reports.

Its NOT a permissions issue and UAC is disabled

Sorry, but UAC doesn't have anything to do with file system permissions. UAC do not auto-magically grant write access to anything, the permissions set in the file system are always in place and, if they are messed up (it might happen when reinstalling Windows over an old installation without reformatting), the file UUID might be wrong and programs can have issues when writing files.

I'm just guessing, but I need to guess using YOUR description of the problem. Since YOU said the program crashes when saving the .REG file (which of course nobody ever reported it so far) and you say the EXE.XML is still written incorrectly, which of course doesn't happen here and also nobody else reported it so far, I can only guess your system have a problem when writing files. This is the only guess I can make based on YOUR report, and is compatible with the fact that it doesn't happen to anyone else and I can't reproduce it.

It is ADM v2.5.1.1 and I do get Windows errors reporting that the cause was bglmanx.dll after the CTD is reported and between an FSX restart being done.

Alright, then something in your system (that, apparently, nobody else is using) is MAKING the current version to crash.

When I remove KJFK from the library and use ADM v2.5.0.5 NO CTD's

Now you are saying something different from the last time. How are you supposed to get any help, if you keep changing your description of the problem ? You previously said that JUST removing JFK from the library, fixed the crashes. Now you are saying that you need to remove JFK from the library AND use the older version as well which, of course, is an ENTIRELY different thing, as far as possible solutions are involved.

However, as I've said many times already, as long as I don't get ANY other similar reports, I must assume it's "something" in your system and in your system only, that is not compatible with our software.

Do you want me to post more screen shot of this ???

You posted enough screenshots, there's no need to post any. As long as I can't reproduce the problem and nobody else is reporting, there isn't the slightest chance to ever START thinking how to possibly fix it.


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« Reply #80 on: October 31, 2008, 07:35:37 pm »

These 3 systems have been setup by either the manufacturor or the one, myself, and NONE of them are reinstalls of the OS or recovered point set backs.  Please don't say "NO one" because this entire forum is full of issues with ADM; but the user may NOT have the exact issue I'm having, that might be true.   But, How is it, that I am able to reproduce the exact same issue with ONLY ADM on 3 different machines with no addons on two of them?  Their (computers) all defaulted to Windows' default security parameters; no tampering on my part, only verification.  Being frustrated with this, I decided recently, to test my theory with an earlier version of ADM.  I am able to save the .reg files from my purchases and do other things without incident in the older version of ADM;  With version, I get CTD's - Is that clear?

How many more people need to report this before you consider this a problem and try to fix it?

« Last Edit: October 31, 2008, 09:39:56 pm by virtuali »
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
Thank you very much.
  James F. Chams


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« Reply #81 on: October 31, 2008, 09:30:15 pm »
Please don't say "NO one" because this entire forum is full of issues with ADM; but the user may NOT have the exact issue I'm having, that might be true.

I AM saying "no one" because, the ONLY problems people usually have with the Addon Manager are:

1) QUIT to desktop (NOT CRASH) immediately at start, because they used to mix-match the .DAT between scenery and the Addon Manager. This shouldn't happen anymore, since the new installer always gets the most updated files from the internet at start. It might still caused issues, if one is *very* unlucky, and the internet connection drops exactly in the *middle* of the update, and some of the files would be the older version and some the newest. But it's very unlikely, and it's always solved by launching the installer again.

2) CRASH, immediately at start, with a bglmanx.dll error message, because sometimes FSX has a problem executing modules just trusted. This is usually solved by simply launching FSX again, sometimes after a reboot.

Problem 1) is now solved by the new online installer, problem 2) is more due to FSX (it's FSX that "decides" a module has problems, but how come that if you relaunch it, it works ? The "problem" module hasn't changed, obviously...), because it only happens when a newly trusted module is launched.

This covers 100% of the user reports about the Addon Manager. Your kind of crash is the only exception.

NOBODY reported a crash after a while just sitting on the apron doing nothing, like you are.

NOBODY reported a problem writing the EXE.XML, unless they had the file already corrupted by another product, but the *current* installer is able to fix all kind of corruptions, and nobody ever reported any kind XML problems since the current installer is online, except you.

NOBODY ever reported a crash writing the .REG file, in any version of the Addon Manager, including the FS9 ones.

I am able to save the .reg files from my purchases and do other things without incident in the older version of ADM;  With version, I get CTD's - Is that clear?

It's clear, but still doens't make any sense. The routine that save the .REG file hasn't been touched in ages and it's always the same since the FS9 version of the Addon Manager. And of course, NOBODY reported THIS problem.

How many more people need to report this before you consider this a problem and try to fix it?

At least another one. But there's none right now.  And, as I've said, many times already, at least more than 1 report is needed to be at least be worried. But to be FIXED, I need to be able to REPRODUCE IT.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2008, 09:42:25 pm by virtuali »


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« Reply #82 on: November 01, 2008, 12:39:08 am »
NOBODY reported a crash after a while just sitting on the apron doing nothing, like you are.

You already fixed this with the last AFCAD update with all the PARKING 0 spots correctly labeled by type.  So, I did everyone a favor, including you, by pointing that out and you fixed that CTD.

NOBODY reported a problem writing the EXE.XML, unless they had the file already corrupted by another product, but the *current* installer is able to fix all kind of corruptions, and nobody ever reported any kind XML problems since the current installer is online, except you.

Yes, and I only noticed it when I tried to use the AICarriers and found the listing missing from the ADDON's menu in FSX.  Perhaps no one else noticed it? Or perhaps they just re-installed those statements as a work around and didn't bother you with it.  Eitherway, all the installers I downloaded and installed, including the one yesterday, DID NOT leave those statements (or the contents of the file) alone but totally erased it in place of the installer one.  That is STILL the case HERE.

NOBODY ever reported a crash writing the .REG file, in any version of the Addon Manager, including the FS9 ones. ... It's clear, but still doens't make any sense. The routine that save the .REG file hasn't been touched in ages and it's always the same since the FS9 version of the Addon Manager. And of course, NOBODY reported THIS problem.

I never had that happen until recently when I purchased FlorenceX and again, yesterday, when I purchased XCity Rome.  The files were created during the purchase.  But, after I re-opened the ADM v2.5.1.1 to "BACKUP" the ".reg" files for each of these products, I got CTD's with the bglmanx.dll errors.  YES, I'm reporting it having tested it on 3 different machines.

How many more people need to report this before you consider this a problem and try to fix it?

At least another one. But there's none right now.  And, as I've said, many times already, at least more than 1 report is needed to be at least be worried. But to be FIXED, I need to be able to REPRODUCE IT.

I can reproduce it; and I have on 3 different machines.  Perhaps my all my screenshots and repeated posts have NOT convinced you of that?  You need to debug it a little more; I'll pray you do by the time your next sceneries are released; continuing to ask you now is just a waste of my time; Correct?
« Last Edit: November 01, 2008, 03:10:50 am by JamesChams »
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
Thank you very much.
  James F. Chams


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« Reply #83 on: November 01, 2008, 11:58:09 am »
You already fixed this with the last AFCAD update with all the PARKING 0 spots correctly labeled by type.  So, I did everyone a favor, including you, by pointing that out and you fixed that CTD.

And this, of course, simply proves my point that the problem wasn't caused by the Addon Manager. And, simply proves my point that, if a problem is real, we fix it immediately.

Eitherway, all the installers I downloaded and installed, including the one yesterday, DID NOT leave those statements (or the contents of the file) alone but totally erased it in place of the installer one.  That is STILL the case HERE.

You can write it in bold, red, all caps, but it doesn't change the fact that this is not what's happening. Tried with the files you sent me.

But, after I re-opened the ADM v2.5.1.1 to "BACKUP" the ".reg" files for each of these products, I got CTD's with the bglmanx.dll errors.  YES, I'm reporting it having tested it on 3 different machines.

Since this feature is very important, considering that making a backup of the registry keys should be the first thing an user does after purchasing, you can't of course say the (like in the case of AiCarriers) "nobody noticed it". Considering that, according to your report, it happens with every scenery, including Aerosoft's and Cloud9's, we are speaking about MANY THOUSANDS of users that should have experienced a crash, and of course there's no trace of them, not here, not on Cloud9 or Aerosoft forums.

I can reproduce it and I have on 3 different machines.

Unfortunately, it's not you that are supposed to fix it. There's no way I can fix it, if I'm not able to reproduce it here.

  Perhaps my all my screenshots and repeated posts have NOT convinced you of that?

You are still getting it all wrong: I DO believe you have issue, I simply said they do not happen here, and on anyone else's machine.

You need to debug it a little more

You probably don't know exactly what "debug" means. Debug means I must able to REPRODUCE the problem, in order to, as the terms says, trap the problem in the debugger, and see were it happens.

Failing to do that, I should at least be able to hear SEVERAL different users reports, in order to at least recognize a PATTERN, which is the only way to have the slightest hope to be able to fix a problem, even without being able to reproduce it.

Both cases are not possible, since I'm not able to reproduce it here, and there aren't any users reports except yours. Yours doesn't exhibit any special pattern, because you say it happens with a clean Vista installation with everything default. I'm sorry, but if this was the case, it SHOULD be reproducible and it SHOULD have happened to someone else.


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« Reply #84 on: November 01, 2008, 05:37:26 pm »

I understand your point about "reproducing it;"  I have a Masters in Computer Science and Engineering so, I'm pretty sure that I know what "DEBUG"ing is.  Or, at least I fooled all my professors that I did.  ;)

All I can do is post the problems that I see and the possibility of "what they may be" based on observations.  I do not have .net applications or any other developers tools on these systems and, ofcourse, your source code to give you a definitive answer; so I might be wrong about many things; that is why I'm coming to you; the developers - You would/should know more.

I was getting a series of CTD's with the KJFK package; Most of them are now gone thanks to all your updates/settings/suggestions.  I even found a couple of issues with one of my 8800 video cards which has now been replaced.  So, you have been helpful; that is NOT in disagreement.  But the job is NOT finished.  All I can do now is hope and pray that someone will have the exact *same* issue and post it on your site so that you can find the time to fix it.

"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
Thank you very much.
  James F. Chams