Author Topic: CTD  (Read 64486 times)


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« Reply #30 on: October 06, 2008, 09:32:35 pm »

I'm not fully convinced of that because of FSUIPC's interaction with several Joystick AXIS' and its AutoSave feature;

I was meant to say "at least we can exclude OUR modules". We don't use, we don't require and we shouldn't be affected by the presence/absence of FSUIPC. But of course, it might be interesting to try disabling that one as well.

Yes, I'll be doing that later today to be sure.  But, I think your AFACD resolution of the three different name/types to the "PARKING 0" spots near the JetBlue Hanger may have resolved the CTD AFCAD issue; I still have more testing to do there just to be sure but NO CTD's so far from just standing there or Taxiing around there thus far; Bravo!

I'm also wondering about InCabin Browser module.  But I think I've illiminated the ITRA's Active-Panel NAVSTACK's SimConnect interactions possibilities with your snake - The only thing is everything in FS loads slower now.  :- 
In your case, I'd start with disabling all the modules in the XML files, then testing one by one, adding one module at time.


I'll try them one by one together with your modules to see what might be conflicting (ie. Coult/AddonManager + FSUIPC ONLY and Coult/AddonManager + AICarrier ONLY, etc.).  Thanks for all the suggestions; I think we are around 90% closer to resolving this and I appreciate your help and patience.

« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 09:35:46 pm by JamesChams »
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
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  James F. Chams


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« Reply #31 on: October 08, 2008, 08:54:51 am »
Virtuali/FSDT Staff,

I got some good news and some, OK not so good news, but the good news first ...

NO more AFCAD/Coult/Addon Manager related CTD's so far ... Gratci/Gratzier to all the FSDT Team!  ;D

See Attached: KJFK_AI_1.jpg


 Many of the CTD Issues are related to 4 different issues that when combined cause these problems:-
1. VISTA 64-bit Swap file size allocation being too large above the recommended size (when used on a RAID JBOD setup).

See Attached: ERROR_KJFK_CTD.jpg

2. Nvidia newest driver (v178.13) issues.

See Attached: ERROR_KJFK_CTD2.jpg

3. InCabin Brower v1.1 for FSX .xml configuration file bugs.

See Attached: ERROR_KJFK_CTD4.jpg

So, its not directly related to KJFK project but, the impact of the scenery on the system was larger then expected. And all the above go away when KJFK is Uninstalled; thus I've mentioned them here.

The "not so good" news are ...

1. Missing Taxiway/Runway Numbers for 22R on the left side.

See Attached: ERROR_KJFK_SIGNS.jpg

2. AI ground vehicle traffic seem to run through the KJFK bridges.

See Attached: ERROR_KJFK_AI_Traffic.jpg

3. Need a map of the Terminal(s)/Parking Spot(s) for use with ParkMe.

FSDT, this is an outstanding project/product; I hope these minor fixes/updates won't burden you too much but they will be greatly appreciated.  :D


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« Last Edit: October 08, 2008, 09:04:49 am by JamesChams »
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
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  James F. Chams


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« Reply #32 on: October 08, 2008, 11:11:39 am »

for problem n.2, try to place KJFK on first position of scenery library, or on top of UTE.




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« Reply #33 on: October 08, 2008, 06:14:31 pm »

for problem n.2, try to place KJFK on first position of scenery library, or on top of UTE.



Mr. Alessandro,

I believed I moved it from that spot just to solve a scenery priority issue for another addon but, I will try that and get back to you about it.  Thank you and I'll wait for the next fix/patch!
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
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  James F. Chams


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« Reply #34 on: October 13, 2008, 07:13:31 am »
Alessandro/Virtuali & Ganesh/Kappa,

1. Alessandro; the answer to above default AI Vehicle traffic issue was resolved by your suggestion; Grazie!  ;)

2. Virtuali/Ganesh,

I found a problem with the Coult installation in KJFK v1.0/Coult v1.0.0.120 which caused the CTD's:

With version .118 and before the installation use to modify the EXE.xml file to add its following statements correctly.  But it did not handle the issues of EOF truncation very well;  I think you all resolved this in version .120 by simply replacing the existing EXE.xml with a new one;  Is this correct so far?

Why I say this is, because I'm using an add-on application (which most people have called AICarriers v.2 Release 2) combined with Coult v.118 (or earlier) corrupted the exe.xml and caused CTD's (see attached for more: BAD_EXE.XML).  The developer of AICArriers did not list the statements correctly in his installation of exe.xml file (see attached: exe.xml_Before_KJFK.xml); so really he's to blame.

COULT v1.0.0.120 Corrupted the original EXE.xml file:

But where your installation of KJFK is at fault is in that it doesn't recognize statements within an existing exe.xml file and merely just replaces the existing one with its own; I'm sure that you'll agree from a programming stand point that this is a disaster.  Normally, if its missing it shouldn't be an issue or cause a CTD.  However, in this apps case it loads some trust features into FSX via the FSX.CFG file and some how that triggers the CTD because its statements are now missing from the EXE.xml file as the result of the KJFK v1.0 Installation.  (see attached: FSX.cfg)

eg. AICarriers statements the cause CTD (FSX.cfg) with Coult v1.0.0.120 installation
Code: [Select]

C:\Program Files (x86)\AICarriers\aicarriers.exe.wcechncizenkhoiqkwocqulotbtzathhwekzqzuc=1

For the Coult, You'll have to resolve that for the next update or there will be even more issues with other addons. I re-installed AICarriers and it gave the necessary statements but NOT inserted according to MS' standards. (see attached for more: GOOD_EXE.XML)

I then manually modified the EXE.xml to improve on its convention and make it correct to MS' requirements in syntax order and ASCII character truncations etc. (see attached for more: Better_EXE.XML)

This issue is now resolved;  However, there is still one last CTD that occurs; the "Exit the Sim from the Flight CTD" which I believe is still related to KJFK but I'm NOT sure what the cause is yet; maybe you can suggest something?

I've ATTACHED the AICarriers (FREEWARE) [AICarriers Release] along with my examples of the .xml files [exe_xml_&] for you all to do your own tests.

Thank you for your time and attention; And Good Luck!   :)


3. PS: Kappa, Can you resolve this? Grazie!  :D

« Last Edit: October 13, 2008, 03:57:08 pm by virtuali »
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
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  James F. Chams


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« Reply #35 on: October 13, 2008, 03:55:28 pm »
With version .118 and before the installation use to modify the EXE.xml file to add its following statements correctly.  But it did not handle the issues of EOF truncation very well;  I think you all resolved this in version .120 by simply replacing the existing EXE.xml with a new one;  Is this correct so far?

No. The installer hasn't changed the slightest bit. It is exactly the same code that is used to deal with DLL.XML, which has been used since Zurich has been released, it's just the file affected is EXE.XML, but the actual code is the same. So, there are absolutely no difference between the two versions.

The developer of AICArriers did not list the statements correctly in his installation of exe.xml file (see attached: exe.xml_Before_KJFK.xml); so really he's to blame.

That file is NOT corrupted! It simply have everything on a single line, which is STILL legal XML! In fact, *because* XML is *designed* to exchange data between different OS which might use different ways of indicating End-Of-Line, XML standard dictates that EOL characters are NOT required. That's why there are opening/closing tags in the first place!

However, writing back the XML file in a non-Dos standard, might confuse OTHER installers (NOT OURS!!) that, in these case, might create a *real* mess, because they parse the XML *assuming* it have CRLF linebreaks at each line, and THAN corrupting it, this time for real. So, it's not a good idea in any case.

But where your installation of KJFK is at fault is in that it doesn't recognize statements within an existing exe.xml file and merely just replaces the existing one with its own

That's not what it does. Our installer creates a new EXE.XML file ONLY if it doesn't find one on the hard drive, which is the default on a new FSX instalation. If an EXE.XML is already there, it obviously add its section to it.

HOWEVER, even if the EXE.XML created by AiCarriers wasn't really "corrupted" (if you open it in IE, is still legal XML and so is for FSX), they did a *different* type of "corruption". In our installer, we had some code to DEFEND ourselves against a slightly different kind of apparent corruption: those caused by Wilco installers, which instead convert the file from Dos to Unix line-endings. Still a legal file, but not very smart because, many of other installers were confused by this.

So, in order to fix the Wilco gotcha, we had some code that detected the Wilco-style "corruption" that is DIFFERENT from the AI-Carriers-style "corruption", which doesn't use Unix EOL chars, it simply doesn't use ANY EOL char at all..(I'm using the term corruption in quotes, to mean that is not really a corruption, but it's just a change of standard which might confuse other installers)

THIS code only took care of the "Wilco corruption" because we never heard of the other kind until now so, IN THIS CASE (and ONLY in this case), if an XML file was found with a *different* kind of "corruption" other than Wilco's, we assumed it was really corrupted, and replaced with a new one.

In ALL other cases (including after installing a Wilco product), when the XML is correct and hasn't suffered from any kind of messing with EOL indicators, we DON'T replace it, we just add our section.

So, the issue is not that our installer "replaces the EXE.XML with its own", it's just that it wasn't programmed to deal with ALL different kind of "corruptions", but just the Wilco one.

I think to have found a solution, by including a proper XML validator in the installer, that is able to deal with all cases, and by writing back the file in DOS format, it should "fix" any XML, even when it was "corrupted" by other installers.

This issue is now resolved;  However, there is still one last CTD that occurs; the "Exit the Sim from the Flight CTD" which I believe is still related to KJFK but I'm NOT sure what the cause is yet; maybe you can suggest something?

I'm sorry, but I'm still not able to reproduce this. Nobody else is reporting it so far, so I must conclude it's nothing related to the scenery.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2008, 03:59:20 pm by virtuali »


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« Reply #36 on: October 13, 2008, 06:55:07 pm »
Thank you, Virtuali!

 I appreciate your explaining your installer to me; Now at least we know that "AICarriers" can cause another EXE.xml issue with your installer(s) that you can create/add a validator for.  That should bring down the bug reports; I hope!  ;)

Regarding the "Exit the Sim from the Flight CTD" issue, I still don't know what causes it...  But If I uncheck KJFK from the Scenery Library list and or Uninstall it all together; this CTD goes away.  I did as Alessandro suggested, and moved it up/down in priority in FS' Scenery menu to see if that makes a difference; but, sadly NO!  :'( :(  It does resolve the AI vehicle issue though, when its done as he suggested.  Finally, I'll still trouble shoot this and see what I can fix or report to you; Thank you for trying on your end.

PS: Can "we" get a Scenery fix for the Signs? ... that might be the issue causing the "Exit the Sim from the Flight CTD" issue or an AFCAD issue with some of the ILS' which might not have been noticed till recently.  I'll check back on all this with you; as I start to feel better and get back to my normal routine.  - "Head Cold" is only 80% cured!  :P :-[ :'(   
« Last Edit: October 13, 2008, 07:01:36 pm by JamesChams »
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
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  James F. Chams


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« Reply #37 on: October 13, 2008, 07:34:32 pm »

Regarding the "Exit the Sim from the Flight CTD" issue, I still don't know what causes it...  But If I uncheck KJFK from the Scenery Library list and or Uninstall it all together; this CTD goes away. 

Try to rename the file called LC_2817.bgl to LC_2817.back on JFK scenery folder and test the scenery.




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« Reply #38 on: October 13, 2008, 08:06:22 pm »

Regarding the "Exit the Sim from the Flight CTD" issue, I still don't know what causes it...  But If I uncheck KJFK from the Scenery Library list and or Uninstall it all together; this CTD goes away. 

Try to rename the file called LC_2817.bgl to LC_2817.back on JFK scenery folder and test the scenery.



Mr. Alessandro,

Does this file deal with Signs or something else entirely?  OK, I'll try and let you know...
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
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  James F. Chams


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« Reply #39 on: October 14, 2008, 05:54:13 am »

1. I did as you said; I'm NOT sure what is suppose to happen but the CTD's still there.  The only thing that did happen differently is that FSX's Scenery builder took more time reloading the scenery.

(See attached: KJFK_ERROR_.jpg &  KJFK_ERROR_CTD.jpg)

2. I have this issue with the Flickering Trees in KJFK FSX as well: HERE

I know you guys want to be done with this and move on the KLAS but, please, lets resolve this... Grazie!

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: October 14, 2008, 05:56:28 am by JamesChams »
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
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  James F. Chams


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« Reply #40 on: October 14, 2008, 01:20:33 pm »
(See attached: KJFK_ERROR_.jpg &  KJFK_ERROR_CTD.jpg)

I'm sorry, but I can't see any error or problem in your screenshots. You are running the Simconnect diagnostics in Verbose mode, it simply showing normal operations there, no errors I can see from your screenshot.

2. I have this issue with the Flickering Trees in KJFK FSX as well: HERE

I've already posted a screenshot there that clearly shows there's no flickering. So, it must be something else.

I know you guys want to be done with this and move on the KLAS but, please, lets resolve this... Grazie!

As we said, many times already, the only chance to be able to fix something, is to be able to reproduce your crash. Since we can't, we can only make guesses, but at this point I'm quite sure your crash is not related to the scenery, even if it DOES goes away the scenery. It's probably that "something else" that is conflicting with the scenery, and it might probably be solved either by removing the scenery OR by removing that "something else".

Are you able to test the scenery on a brand new FSX installation with nothing else except FSX SP1 and FSX SP2 ?


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« Reply #41 on: October 14, 2008, 08:29:19 pm »

RE: Flickering Trees
OK; I see the YouTube site shows that the videos: "This video is not yet processed." - Its a problem with FRAPS 64bit .avi encoding and they haven't fixed that with the new version, I'm guessing.  Could you please wait for that?  It will show you exactly what is happening and its, most likely, video driver related but, I'm not sure because it only happens with KJFK trees and NOT with the surrounding (DEFAULT FSX) trees.

I agree with your assessment; I have honestly run out of options.  I've tried removing all the modules and their Apps from the exe.xml/dll.xml files as you suggested.  I don't know what else to do to FSX to get it to co-orporate and reveil the "troublemaker."  Any other suggestions?  I do have a VISTA 32 Labtop which I've use for things like this - I could install FSX - SP1 - Acceleration and do a test.  But it would most likely NOT show the same results, since it doesn't have all the addons/hardware that I have on the my Flight Sim system.

Also, the SimConnect Verbose output to screen is a consequence on the installation of my ITRA's ActivePanel-NAVSTACK II latest driver which uses SimConnect; previous ones didn't.  If you know how to turn the dare thing off, please let me know.  It honestly bugs me.  I've asked ITRA and am still waiting for a responce (4-5 months later).  ::)

PS: Flight Sim System uses Vista-64 SP1 with FSX, SP1 and Acceleration installed.

Anything else?  ???
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
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  James F. Chams


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« Reply #42 on: October 14, 2008, 08:36:43 pm »
But it would most likely NOT show the same results, since it doesn't have all the addons/hardware that I have on the my Flight Sim system.

But at least you would know it's not caused by the scenery.

Also, the SimConnect Verbose output to screen is a consequence on the installation of my ITRA's ActivePanel-NAVSTACK II latest driver which uses SimConnect; previous ones didn't.  If you know how to turn the dare thing off, please let me know. 

delete the Simconnect.ini file you have in your Documents\Flight Simulator folder


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« Reply #43 on: October 14, 2008, 08:58:05 pm »
But it would most likely NOT show the same results, since it doesn't have all the addons/hardware that I have on the my Flight Sim system.

But at least you would know it's not caused by the scenery.

Also, the SimConnect Verbose output to screen is a consequence on the installation of my ITRA's ActivePanel-NAVSTACK II latest driver which uses SimConnect; previous ones didn't.  If you know how to turn the dare thing off, please let me know. 

delete the Simconnect.ini file you have in your Documents\Flight Simulator folder

Thank you; I'll do both and get back to you. Grazie!  :D
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
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  James F. Chams


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« Reply #44 on: October 15, 2008, 11:09:38 pm »

1. RE: SimConnect.ini

I removed the file from the folder as you suggested and the output screen went away.  I, also, edit it and excluded the statements because I wanted to limit any possibility of future CTD's as the result of missing files when function call are made etc. (I'm not sure that it would happen but, just want to be sure).  However, the "EXIT the Sim from Flight CTD" is still there, so this is obviously NOT the cause of the problem, but at least I'm rid of that annoying output console screen.   Grazie! - You're doing tech support for ITRA as well now.  :D ;D 

Here is what I did ...







2. RE: The Flickering trees at KJFK Video's

YouTube has still NOT processed those uploaded videos.  So, I compressed them in 7Zip and uploaded it here;  Flicker Tree at KJFK (Zip filesize: 99.6MB+ ) ; Please download it and see the trouble we are having.  I've also included a short clip of the surrounding default FSX trees which DON'T have this issue.  Maybe it is something you can fix at some point.  Finally, let me know when you've downloaded it so that I can removed it from the offsite website; shared space reasons. Grazie!

3.  CTD / Install FSX/KFJK on another system to test ...

I'm currently working to install it on a couple of other machines.  I'm still recovering from my head cold so my energy is not fully there yet; But I'll let you know this for sure.  I did do as Alessandro suggested, by renaming the file called LC_2817.bgl to LC_2817.back on JFK scenery folder to test the scenery but, like I mentioned before, all that did was cause the scenery loader to take longer to load KJFK the first couple of times; there is NO difference with the "EXIT the Sim from Flight CTD", which is still there.  :( :'( :-\

4. KJFK Taxiway signs

The issue here is NOT that many signs are two sided or not, the issue is that in some cases there is NO picture on either side of the sign or FSDT is NOT using aviation convention for sign placement.  This results in us, customers, NOT to be able to use a sign as intended. 

(see attached: KJFK_ERROR_SIGNS.jpg)

Please Help!

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: October 15, 2008, 11:25:18 pm by JamesChams »
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
Thank you very much.
  James F. Chams