The CTD occurs regularly at FS ATC's/AFCAD gate H314 and the snake has it's issues too (see attached).
I'm sorry, but this simply doens't happen. Please be more specific. What does it mean "CTD occurs regularly at gate H314" ? It always crashes when you simply move there with the goto Airport menu ? It crashes when you are directed there by the ATC ? It crashes when you manually taxi there ? It crashes when you are standing there doing nothing, after a while ?
Because, I've just checked, moving to that gate result in no crash at all on my machine. Tried many times.
also noticed that a CTD occurs after 15mins into the game ... Is this a Addon-Manager Trial timer Issue?
Of course not, first because there's nothing that happens at 15 minutes, and not, because otherwise we would have plenty of reports of users in Trial, which are many thousands, that would complain they have a CTD after 15 minutes.
Please, don't keep assuming the crash is *caused* by the Addon Manager. YOU said yourself that you have the crash even with BOTH Addon Manager AND Couatl DISABLED. So, once and forever, assuming that what you said before is true (CTD even with both program disabled), the CTD clearly doesn't have anything to do with the Addon Manger or Coautl. The fact that you see a message stating Couatl has crashed, doens't mean anything: the same "thing" that is making your FSX crashing, is probably causing Couatl to be crashing as well.
We are probably able to fix the fact that Couatl remains loaded after FSX crashed. But that it's just a minor issue, it would only save you to have it manually terminated after a crash, which shouldn't happen in the first place. In this case, Couatl is not the *cause* of a crash, is the *victim*...Even fixing Couatl by making it able to quit even when FSX terminates abruptly,will not stop the crash from happening.
Any thing else you need or suggest? 
I've already listed suggestions. Since, as you said yourself, disabling both the Addon Manager and Couatl doesn't fix the crashes, this clearly exclude these two.
As I've said already, the fact that uninstalling JFK solves the issue, might be also related to something that *comes* at JFK, like an AI. I'm assuming you ARE using the current JFK installer (24th Sept.) because that one includes a fix for two missing textures we posted in the forum that, if missing *might* cause a crash.
I'm sorry, but the only way to be sure a problem exists in a software, is being able to reproduce it.