Author Topic: AI Traffic Issue  (Read 7914 times)


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AI Traffic Issue
« on: July 05, 2014, 06:38:05 am »
Hi everyone,

Its a beautiful scenery so far, the only issue I'm having is that the AI traffic parks in strange places. I use WOAI for various airlines and I'm having UA 777's park at terminal C, and a Singapore 777 parking at a terminal D gate far to small for it. Additionally, none of the regionals park at terminal B, as in real life.

Is there a solution to this?


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Re: AI Traffic Issue
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2014, 10:58:31 am »
As explained many times already on the forum, related to any scenery (because it's an FSX rules) AI park first depending on the parking radius, they will go in smallest parking which is large enough to fit their radius. If multiple parkings are suitable, they will be assigned following the atc_airline_codes in the AFCAD IF they AI have their own atc_parking_code in their aircraft.cfg.

If you are seeing a plane too large to fit in a parking, it's possible the radius in that AI .MDL file has been set too low, some developers (especially in FS9, and WoAI IS made with FS9 models, which is a reasons why it would be best not using it, for fps/memory reasons) set non realistic radius ranges on purpose, to make up for the lack of usable multiple atc_parking_codes in FS9, but this is not needed in FSX.

And, as explained many times on the forum, the parking radius we set in the AFCAD, has an effect on jetways too so, it's *possible* that we might have set it higher in some places, because otherwise the jetway wouldn't work, of course it's best having all jetways working and accept some unrealistic AI positioning, rather than have a malfunctioning jetway.

But as usual, whenever you report what you think is a problem, please be very precise about it: please indicate exactly which gates you saw AI that shouldn't be there, so we can check the gate, the size, the atc_airline_codes and the jetway, and explain or (if needed) fix.


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Re: AI Traffic Issue
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2014, 09:22:49 pm »
Thanks for the response and sorry for any ignorance on my part- I'm new to this.

There are 767s parking at gates they normally wouldn't park at in real life at Terminal E (E2, E8), Regionals are not parking at the B terminal gates, instead at United maintenance and the East Cargo area, there are 777s parked at terminal C (C14 and C16) and they are crossing wingtips with a 757, the non-United airlines parking at terminal D are at the wrong gates, and there are 737s parked at the B84 gates.


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Re: AI Traffic Issue
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2014, 09:23:47 pm »
That means some parkings are a bit too large. I'll check them if it's possible to make them smaller without losing the jetways functionality.


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Re: AI Traffic Issue
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2014, 11:01:15 pm »
I changed the AI MDL files to have a radius large enough where the aircraft should only fit in the heavy gates, and the 777s still park in gates with a small radius.


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Re: AI Traffic Issue
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2014, 11:11:48 pm »
AI model radius doesn't have an effect in FSX or P3d. AI parking is set from the wing_span setting from within the aircraft.cfg.


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Re: AI Traffic Issue
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2014, 07:57:01 pm »
You're right. I changed the wingspan and used the new AFCAD from another member on the forum and now it is working well!