I used Control Panel to uninstall GSX (testing slow load of textures)
You mean slow loading of GSX textures
Nobody ever reported this before.
I opened the COUATL GSX status and selected deactivate, which should have been deactive after the Control Panel uninstall.
If GSX is active, just Uninstalling won't deactivate it. This has been explained many times on the forum, and it's obviously intentional: you can uninstall/reinstall an unlimited number of times, but your activation won't ever be touched. You can even Uninstall FSX completely, the activation will stay.
The only cases when an activation is removed are:
- Change hardware
- Reinstall Windows from scratch
- Use the Deactivate button, that will allow you to transfer your activation to a new system, without consuming an activation.
To continue, I land at KLAX and all buildings and taxiway lines dissappear and of course there's no push back tug as I leave for PHNL.
Do you have BOTH the "Addon Manager" and the "Couatl powered products" under the FSX "Addons" menu ?
Advise if using Control Panel to remove GSX was incorrect and where that information might be found
I'd say that removing GSX was incorrect in any case, if it was "just" because you had slow loading of textures. You should have reported it and we might investigate it.
GSX is a free product for all FSDT sceneries, but you can consider it as required download, if you don't install it, you'll lose several features at our sceneries, such as Docking systems, for example.
But of course, this doesn't have anything to do with missing buildings. GSX is surely not required for the scenery to work at its basic level.