I searched fix for this issue from here FSDT forums, but no luck

I have downloaded all latest installers from FSDT site for my products i have purchased, KFLL, KLAS, KORD, KJFK v2, PHNL and KDFW. First i uninstalled all fsdt airports then removed folders from fsx root folder(fsdreamteam folder) and all airport folders, then reinstalled with new files but no luck. Addon Manager shows up in FSX
couatl v2.0 (build 2358)
panic log started on Wed Jun 04 19:30:50 2014
problem raised by engine or unspecified addonerror in config file C:/Users/Toni Hiltunen/AppData/Roaming/Virtuali/CouatlAddOns.ini: unrecognized line in '
CouatlAddons.ini is empty, no any lines there.