Author Topic: No place to park the 777  (Read 2531 times)


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No place to park the 777
« on: June 02, 2014, 03:42:02 pm »
I'm getting a message that the PMDG 777 is parked in an area too small to service.

Since I've flown in and out of KEWR for 30 something years, I'm attempting to park at real KEWR gates where 777's actually do park.

I seems I have to go to a non-existent "D" gate to get serviced.

Any thoughts?



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Re: No place to park the 777
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2014, 01:58:48 am »
I've noticed this myself at a few airports, both default and non-default. It's easy enough to remedy the problem.

  • Load the aircraft that is "too big" for the Heavy parking spot. (For me, it's the PMDG 777.)
  • Go to the airport that you'd like to correct.
  • Use GSX's parking facility to warp you to the parking spot that you'd like to correct. It should at least be a Heavy spot already, or a Medium with lots of room on both sides.
  • From the FSX Add-ons menu, select Couatl-powered products > GSX - Customize airport positions....
  • In the GSX Customization window, click on the button with the aircraft image. This transfers your current aircraft's wingspan to the program. Alternately, you can type in the wingspan for the aircraft if you know it. Make sure the new value is larger than the previous value.
  • Click on the X to close the window.

That's it. Note that the increased wingspan may affect the parking spaces on either side of the one you've just corrected.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2014, 08:22:46 pm by boilerbill »

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