Author Topic: Error and Suggestion  (Read 4144 times)


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Error and Suggestion
« on: May 15, 2014, 02:50:04 pm »
Hi Guys,

Love GSX, been really great using it to add some realism to my flights.

I had a new error tonight, I landed at an airport in my PMDG Jetstream and requested unloading (I have custom assigned door locations for the jetstream).  When the belts approached the plane, I got an error, and GSX shut down.  See below for the contents of the error log:

Code: [Select]
couatl v2.0 (build 2358)
panic log started on Thu May 15 22:02:10 2014

problem raised by addon <unknown>Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "couatl\common\", line 67, in executeDoFuncToCompletion
  File "couatl\GSX\assistanceServices\", line 205, in do
  File "couatl\common\", line 286, in run
RuntimeError: cruise speed must be positive

couatl v2.0 (build 2358)
panic log started on Thu May 15 22:06:09 2014

problem raised by addon <unknown>Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "couatl\common\", line 67, in executeDoFuncToCompletion
  File "couatl\GSX\assistanceServices\", line 205, in do
  File "couatl\common\", line 286, in run
RuntimeError: cruise speed must be positive

couatl v2.0 (build 2358)
panic log started on Thu May 15 22:17:11 2014

problem raised by addon <unknown>Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "couatl\common\", line 67, in executeDoFuncToCompletion
  File "couatl\GSX\assistanceServices\", line 205, in do
  File "couatl\common\", line 286, in run
RuntimeError: cruise speed must be positive

couatl v2.0 (build 2358)
panic log started on Thu May 15 22:24:26 2014

problem raised by addon <unknown>Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "couatl\common\", line 67, in executeDoFuncToCompletion
  File "couatl\GSX\assistanceServices\", line 205, in do
  File "couatl\common\", line 286, in run
RuntimeError: cruise speed must be positive

Any ideas?

Also I have a suggestion for future versions of GSX, especially for those who fly regional turboprops.  A lot of the smaller planes have cargo unloaded by hand.  Could GSX implement a man to unload doors closer to the ground?  As in a guy walks up and starts to unload.  This would be great!



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Re: Error and Suggestion
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2014, 03:41:38 pm »
I had a new error tonight, I landed at an airport in my PMDG Jetstream and requested unloading (I have custom assigned door locations for the jetstream).  When the belts approached the plane, I got an error, and GSX shut down.  See below for the contents of the error log:

The "RuntimeError: cruise speed must be positive" has been discussed many times on the forum, and it's usually a problem of the scenery AFCAD, like overlapping nodes, orphaned nodes, orphaned links, unreachable parkings, etc.

You might try to fix it using the ADE or AFX "Fault Finder" options, or at least having an idea what's wrong with the AFCAD, and report it to the developers.