Author Topic: KLAS gate B22  (Read 10574 times)


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KLAS gate B22
« on: April 21, 2014, 02:07:43 pm »
I run FSX, starting at KLAS, gate B22. Everytime I press Ctrl+F12 to request boarding, I only get a list of parkings (Select parking facility list), I suppose GSX is thinking my plane is not at a valid gate.
What do you think it may be happening?
Thanks in advance ;-)


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Re: KLAS gate B22
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2014, 08:56:18 pm »
I run FSX, starting at KLAS, gate B22. Everytime I press Ctrl+F12 to request boarding, I only get a list of parkings (Select parking facility list), I suppose GSX is thinking my plane is not at a valid gate.

Yes, GSX will show a list of parking, if it thinks you are outside the parking radius.

However, looking at your list, it shows you DO NOT have the GSX customization, because you have a list of generic AFCAD-provided names for the Terminals, instead of the proper FSDT naming, which would indicate terminals with proper names, like "Terminal 1 Concourse A", Terminal 1 Concourse B", "Terminal 1 Concourse C", "Terminal 1 Concourse D" and "Terminal 2".

The GSX customization for FSDT KLAS will work ONLY if the FSDT AFCAD is in use, if you have another AFCAD in conflict, you will lose the FSDT customization, which is why you have generic names AND it also explains why the position is not recognized.

You can check which AFCAD is used by GSX by selecting the "Customize parking position" option, and look at the name, it's likely it's not the FSDT AFCAD.

The most common source of AFCAD conflicts are those coming from AI Traffic packages, such My Traffic, etc. You should use the free FSX Airport Scanner program to search for AFCAD conflicts, and remove the conflicting ones.


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Re: KLAS gate B22
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2014, 12:47:51 pm »
I have search my disc for different AFCADs, but I am not able to understand what's happening. For example at gate 14 in Tropicalsim KDCA (with and without ini file). When I enter FSX, it takes the plane to the correct position. When I press Ctrl+F12, GSX asks me for parking, it understands my current position it is not a parking. So why, FSX does it and GSX does not?
I have found 2 different AFCAD files, one in KDCA folder (AFX_KDCA.BGL) and another one at Addon Scenery\Scenery (KDCA_ADEX_ADE.BGL). I disabled last one to discover (thru customization dialog) that GSX is taking into account the stock AFCAD (AP*.bgl). I really don't know which AFCAD goes first for FSX.
It seems strange to see FSX placing correctly the aircraft and GSX asking for parking, instead for procedure options.
At least, I would like to understand the picture...
Thanks ;-)


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Re: KLAS gate B22
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2014, 01:04:05 pm »
When I enter FSX, it takes the plane to the correct position. When I press Ctrl+F12, GSX asks me for parking, it understands my current position it is not a parking. So why, FSX does it and GSX does not?

According to this sentence of yours, GSX IS understanding that you are in a parking! How you moved to that parking, when you say GSX "doesn't understand it" ? By taxiing there ?

If this is the case, then it's simple, you haven't parked in the same place as if you were using the FSX Go To Menu. Since if you (according to YOUR report) use the FSX Go To menu, GSX IS RECOGNIZING you are parked, it's fairly clear the problem is how you parked, not GSX, which is working normally after you use FSX to park.

I have found 2 different AFCAD files, one in KDCA folder (AFX_KDCA.BGL) and another one at Addon Scenery\Scenery (KDCA_ADEX_ADE.BGL). I disabled last one to discover (thru customization dialog) that GSX is taking into account the stock AFCAD (AP*.bgl). I really don't know which AFCAD goes first for FSX.

So you HAD a conflict, but you don't say which AFCAD GSX was seeing BEFORE removing the conflicting file. If it was already the stock AFCAD, that might be the problem, you both have a conflict and, maybe the scenery AFCAD wasn't used for some reason, for example if it contained errors, or wasn't complete.

It seems strange to see FSX placing correctly the aircraft and GSX asking for parking, instead for procedure options.

You said earlier that GSX is *working* when you use FSX for positioning. Here you seem you changed the description of the issue. Please confirm which one of the two description is the correct one.

Another thing to try is, after you removed all the conflicting scenery, to force a scenery cache rebuild, by removing the following folders:



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Re: KLAS gate B22
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2014, 01:49:27 pm »
I'll try to explain it better. Now we'll look into Tropicalsim KDCA.
I start FSX, I choose gate 14, and the aircraft is placed correctly. I press Ctrl-F12 for GSX, but it tells me to go to a gate or a parking...

So FSX, places the aircraft at the right place (according to the scenery markings), but GSX understands it is not. Customization dialog tells me that it is using the AFCAD at AddOn Scenery\scenery folder.

And finally, if I tell GSX to warp the aircraft there:

Looks like if I have a conflict. But when I disable that AFCAD (the one GSX is reporting it is using), and restart FSX at KDCA gate 14, my Airbus appears at the very same place it was the last time I started FSX (what I have called correct position), and GSX still thinks it is not at a valid parking (I don't include pictures at they are exactly the same than before).
But now GSX reports:
It is using stock airport (APX27180.bgl). If I tell GSX to warp the aircraft to the gate, the result is still the same tan before (GSX takes it to the same place tan it did it before).
And, at last, no more files like *KDCA*.bgl under Flight Simulator main folder.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks ;-)

« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 11:08:59 pm by virtuali »


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Re: KLAS gate B22
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2014, 11:14:05 pm »
Looks like if I have a conflict.

Sure you have, you had two AFCAD ( plus the default one ) for the same scenery.

But when I disable that AFCAD (the one GSX is reporting it is using)
But now GSX reports:
It is using stock airport (APX27180.bgl).

So, the problem is simply that GSX doesn't seem to be able to use the AFCAD that comes with the scenery.

You don't say if you tried what I've suggested before, so I'll repeat it again:

After you removed all the conflicting scenery, to force a scenery cache rebuild, by removing the following folders:


If this doesn't fix it, it's POSSIBLE that AFCAD has a problem or an error, so GSX has discarded it because it couldn't use it. But your first example was KLAS, and I assure you the AFCAD doesn't have any problems so, either you have ANOTHER conflict, or the problem is the scenery cache that must be regenerated, which is why I told you to try that.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 11:15:37 pm by virtuali »


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Re: KLAS gate B22
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2014, 12:13:35 am »
Of course I did (I'm talking about forcing cache rebuild), no need to tell, it is on every post you write about such kind of problems. And I always follow your instructions. Anyway, I will state it clear, after rebuild, things still are the same.
I'm not able to see more AFCADs, only those I have told to you. At least, if they are there, they aren't referenced with airport oaci code...
I think the point must be around what it is happening with the first AFCAD (KDCA_ADEX_ADE.BGL), that GSX asummes as good (doesn't it?), as it appears on customization dialog. The question, then, is why FSX moves my plane to gate 14 correctly on start, and GSX does not, even when both are using the same afcad.
I am testing now KLAS, as you suggested. Surprinsingly, after starting FSX, and setting position to gate B22, I see that customization dialog reports that GSX is using stock APX17190.bgl...

Edited: The more I do tests, the more I realize that, in most cases (not KDCA), only stock AFCADs are been taking into account by GSX (caché rebuild). A similar problem was reported a couple of years ago, but no solution was included at the page I was able to find:;wap2

Thanks again ;-)
« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 01:12:39 am by laltamuro »


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Re: KLAS gate B22
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2014, 01:05:55 am »
Of course I did (I'm talking about forcing cache rebuild), no need to tell, it is on every post you write about such kind of problems

Of course you need to tell. How I'm supposed to know that you tried it already ?

The question, then, is why FSX moves my plane to gate 14 correctly on start, and GSX does not, even when both are using the same afcad.

No, they don't. That's the issue. You said GSX is using the AFCAD in the Addon Scenery folder OR the default one, if you remove it. But isn't the correct AFCAD for the scenery the one into ITS OWN \scenery folder ?

As I've said already in my previous reply, it's POSSIBLE that AFCAD has a problem or an error, so GSX has discarded it because it couldn't use it.

I am testing now KLAS, as you suggested. Surprinsingly, after starting FSX, and setting position to gate B22, I see that  customization dialog reports that GSX is using stock APX17190.bgl...

And you are using FSDT KLAS ? Sorry, but that's just not possible, especially after an FSX cache rebuild, because that AFCAD WORKS.

Obvious question but, as I've said, I must ask *everything*, because I can't assume or possibly know that you followed all suggestions, even those in other threads: is the Scenery Library in the CORRECT ORDER ? Meaning, with the Airport sceneries on top of everything else ?

Or, you moved something ?

On the other hand, it will be a great help if I could understand what GSX interprets as a wrong AFCAD. Are you talking, for example, about faults that are usually detected by a tool like Airport Design Editor Fault finder? Knowing it, maybe I could be able to ask for an update to airport developers...

No, it doesn't check for those errors, when doing the initial scan, it would take too long. It will just do a quick check if the file is readable and the airport is correctly referenced with its ICAO and its Lat/Lon boundaries. This would at least filter out things like corrupted files.

Things that would be detected by the Fault Finder tools, will generate errors in GSX AFTER you try to use it there.

In any case, GSX being the reliable program that it is, will allow you to Troubleshoot your issue. Turn on Logging in the "Troubleshooting" section of the "GSX Settings" menu, and let it produce a Couatl.LOG file in the %APPDATA%\Virtuali folder, then post its content.


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Re: KLAS gate B22
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2014, 12:57:10 pm »
Well, finally, I have found it :-)

I generated and did read your couatl.log, and I noticed that it listed only default entries in my scenery.cfg, no mention to any of the rest of my addon airports.

To cut a long story short, I don't use FSX Scenery Library to edit my scenery.cfg, I do it by myself, mainly because it is the way I can make sure I avoid all conflicts between sceneries. I like to order them correctly: First of all meshes, then VFRs and autogen, and after that, all airports (inverse order than FSX shows them at scenery library).
Also, I do some testing from time to time before declaring a scenery ready to use, so I comment some lines of my scenery.cfg. Usually you can disable a scenery by two different ways. You can change the "active" value to FALSE, or you can place a semi colon ";" before all lines in that entry, because FSX simply ignores them.
I also use semicolons to comment different sections in my scenery.cfg (for example, they are arrenged by country, and I insert a line before them with their country name).

Well, GSX simply ignores the rest of the scenery.cfg when it founds a semicolon. You can guess I have one before the very first of my sceneries, to remaind me that line is the beginning of addon entries.
Once I have removed all semicolons in my scenery.cfg, everything began to work like a charm.

That explains also what I've told you several times, that is FSX places the aircraft at the right position, but GSX don't think it is a right one, only because it is not aware of the scenery, reason why it tooks stock BGLs.
Maybe it is also the answer to the problem reported on 2012, I have included in my last post.

And you are using FSDT KLAS ? Sorry, but that's just not possible, especially after an FSX cache rebuild, because that AFCAD WORKS.

Well, that AFCAD works perfectly when it has the opportunity to do it. And, oh, yes, of course I AM using FSDT KLAS.
Maybe could we expect a fast update from FSDT, that will allow GSX parsing process to ignore scenery.cfg lines beginning with a semicolon?
Regards ;-)

« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 01:00:46 pm by laltamuro »


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Re: KLAS gate B22
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2014, 10:09:08 pm »
Finally... Do you consider including such a fix into any next version, to avoid that issue?
Thanks ;-)


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Re: KLAS gate B22
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2014, 12:32:14 am »
Finally... Do you consider including such a fix into any next version, to avoid that issue? Thanks ;-)

Yes, of course.


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Re: KLAS gate B22
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2014, 01:42:10 pm »
I know you will be doing your best, but I am not able to see any update log, so how will I know when this change is available?
Thanks in advance.
Regards ;-.)


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Re: KLAS gate B22
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2014, 10:51:10 am »
I know you will be doing your best, but I am not able to see any update log, so how will I know when this change is available?

We are working on a major update for GSX ( de-icers and updated airplane configuration editor to support them ), we'll try to fix that issue too. No release date available, you'll know when it's out.


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Re: KLAS gate B22
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2014, 09:30:19 pm »
No need for a date, only wanted to know when it comes up...
Well, it is okay for me.
Thanks ;-)


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Re: KLAS gate B22
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2014, 07:38:18 pm »
I just have seen that ver 1.9 is out, great!
Finally, ver 1.9 has got support for semicolons in scenery.cfg?
Thank you ;-)
« Last Edit: December 01, 2014, 07:44:29 pm by laltamuro »