Author Topic: Problems with ORD Terminals and Jetways  (Read 18275 times)


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Problems with ORD Terminals and Jetways
« on: March 28, 2014, 02:03:25 am »
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling unfortunately this didn't fix the problem . All other FSDT airports are working just fine. Cou atl and addon manager are both present.

One photo is of the jetway where parts of the jetway are missing and stairs on the side are in mid air . The other photo is parts of terminals missing in certain spots.

Please let me know if you need better photos


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Re: Problems with ORD Terminals and Jetways
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2014, 10:07:17 am »
Hi Brandon
I have the same problem. I purchased KORD for the CTP at the weekend. Half of terminal B is missing from about stand B7 or 8 to B1
I think there are missing buildings at the cargo area also. I only have one small hanger there. I'm sure there should be more.


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Re: Problems with ORD Terminals and Jetways
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2014, 11:43:52 am »
This has been discussed many times on the forum: if you see *parts* of buildings missing, it's NEVER a problem of the scenery or the installation. It's surely a problem with your video settings. First, try all the following:

- Update your video driver

- Reset your video driver settings to default

- Reset the FSX settings to default, by removing the following file:


This will force FSX to rebuild a new config with all default settings. After doing this, be sure you apply the HIGHMEMFIX tweak in the Addon Manager, save the settings and restart FSX.

Other things that we are known to cause parts of buildings miggins are:

- Running FSX into any of the "Compatibility" modes like XP or Vista under Windows 7/8. Turn off every Compatibility mode for the FSX.EXE

- Enabling the AAA (Adaptive Anti-Aliasing) feature on ATI/AMD cards. This sometimes results in missing objects.

- Having the SmallPartRejectRadius tweak set to high, the default is 1. Of course, resetting the FSX.CFG would fix this.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2014, 11:45:43 am by virtuali »


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Re: Problems with ORD Terminals and Jetways
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2014, 06:01:56 pm »
Just out of curiosity why does it only happen to this airport out of all the FSDT Airports , Flightbeam etc. ?


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Re: Problems with ORD Terminals and Jetways
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2014, 06:54:59 pm »
Just out of curiosity why does it only happen to this airport out of all the FSDT Airports , Flightbeam etc. ?

Not all sceneries use the same, identical, material/shaders settings so, a bug/problem/setting in the video driver will not affect all the sceneries at the same time. And even amongst FSDT sceneries, each scenery use very different ways to create objects.

Note that, I assume you are running everything in the last version, both scenery and the Addon Manager.

Since you sad you reinstalled, you should have the very latest Addon Manager, because that one is *downloaded* when the installer starts.

But if you have an antivirus or a firewall blocking the download, it's possible the most current version of Addon Manager might not have been downloaded. In this case, you might try downloading and installing the Stand-Alone Addon Manager, because that's always guaranteed to come with the latest version, without having to rely on the online version of the files, which might be blocked by another product that is interfering. As of today, the Addon Manager version is


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Re: Problems with ORD Terminals and Jetways
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2014, 05:12:00 pm »
Thought I would post here seeing that my problem is along the same line as the person that originally posted here
I was getting ready to fly outta KORD and the terminal buildings were not there, just the jet ways.  I uninstalled/reinstalled FSDT O'hare for FSX.  When I reinstalled it, and tried to restart FSX, it would not communicate w/FSUPIC.  I uninstalled/re-installed FSUPIC...
Was just wondering why FSDT product would effect FSUPIC?  This is the 2nd time it has happen that I can rememebr


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Re: Problems with ORD Terminals and Jetways
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2014, 10:01:40 pm »
  When I reinstalled it, and tried to restart FSX, it would not communicate w/FSUPIC.  I uninstalled/re-installed FSUPIC... Was just wondering why FSDT product would effect FSUPIC?  This is the 2nd time it has happen that I can rememebr

No, none of our programs requires, uses or affects FSUIPC. But both requires Simconnect to communicate with FSX. What might have happened is the opposite: the same thing (perhaps a problem with system libraries, affecting Simconnect) that caused problems with our modules, might have affected FSUIPC just the same.


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Re: Problems with ORD Terminals and Jetways
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2015, 01:49:31 am »
I was having this problem too and tried your solutions. They did not work, but realized that I was using AES here so had make sure it was in the addons on top. That solved that the problem.


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Re: Problems with ORD Terminals and Jetways
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2015, 12:54:21 pm »

i´ve the same problem with KORD and KDEN, but at approximation the missing buildings and parts of buildings are show up.

I´ve reinstall the airports and the addon manager with firewall out, set WideViewAspect=True, HighMemfix=1 but no succes.

The picture is an view from gate B11. At approximation the missing parts opposite are show up.

KLAS, LSGG, KLAX & KFJK V1 haven´t problems.

Best regards


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Re: Problems with ORD Terminals and Jetways
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2015, 02:48:04 pm »
At approximation the missing parts opposite are show up.

If you see only parts of an object missing, the problem is entirely related to your video card settings, and if it happens only after a long flight, is due to memory exhaustion and/or bugs in the video driver, or bugs that are triggered by settings and/or tweaks.

Try all the following:

- Update your video driver

- Reset your video driver settings to default

- Reset the FSX settings to default, by removing the following file:


This will force FSX to rebuild a new config with all default settings. After doing this, be sure you apply the HIGHMEMFIX tweak in the Addon Manager, save the settings and restart FSX.

If this still doesn't fix it, be sure you don't run FSX into any of the "Compatibility" modes. Every checkmark in the Compatibility tab of the Properties for FSX.EXE should be off.


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Re: Problems with ORD Terminals and Jetways
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2015, 11:43:01 am »

i´ve made all steps how you write, but after new start the fsx only all settings are default (new fsx.cfg) but the before missing building parts are missing again.
I´ve start the fsx airport scanner for search double airport files, but not succes. For KORD i´ve remove the file from mytraffic, but not succes.



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Re: Problems with ORD Terminals and Jetways
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2015, 09:38:28 pm »
I'm sorry, but I can only repeat and confirm the scenery is fine, and the problem can only be caused by either a scenery in conflict or a problem with video settings and/or tweaks, or the Compatibility mode set, even for ANOTHER addon that starts together with FSX, or an addon that launches FSX itself, they all must have Compatibility turned off, because this will result in your video drivers running in a reduce performances mode, which will cause visual anomalies.

Are you SURE you reset your video driver settings to default ? Another thing that might cause missing parts is the AAA (Adaptive Antialiasing on AMD cards), or Transparency Antialiasing on nVidia cards. We had reports of missing parts if this is enabled.


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Re: Problems with ORD Terminals and Jetways
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2015, 09:17:04 pm »
I've done every think, uninstall drivers, default parameters, reset FSX.CFG but the jetways are still in blocs.
I don't know what to do...


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Re: Problems with ORD Terminals and Jetways
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2015, 10:44:34 am »
I've done every think, uninstall drivers, default parameters, reset FSX.CFG but the jetways are still in blocs.I don't know what to do...

Can you please indicate, exactly, WHAT problem you have ? You have piggybacked on a thread that many users posted on, with different problems (one was caused by AES, another one by another scenery in conflict, etc. ) so, it's not possible to help you if you don't clearly indicate what your problem is, maybe with a screenshot, or at least indicate:

- The gate used

- The airplane used


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Re: Problems with ORD Terminals and Jetways
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2015, 01:36:14 pm »
The jetways are in 3 blocs. There are some parts missing