This problem was reported here on the forums about a year ago but the problem was never solved. So here it is again:
1. You are on the majestic q400
2. You call catering
3. Catering does its thing and then drives away
4. The GSX menu still says "catering vehicles are on their way" even though they left 10 minutes ago
5. you try to get passenger boarding but it just won't do it because it is "waiting for other services to complete", a.k.a "catering vehicles are [still] on their way"
so yes, a bit of a crap bug since it means you have to reset the position every damn flight to get it to load passengers!
Awesome product though guys, and if I didn't make myself clear this only occurs with the majestic q400, and it happens at all airports (including default)
Thanks in advance for any replies!