Since VECTOR1.1 i have deinstalled the AF2- and BR2- Files from MyTraffic, this files makes troubles with altitudes in scenery.
Now i restart my FSX, a new scenery database is bulid from FSX , but GSX will not start.
i Got Error:
"System Error while accessing file BR2......BGL then the Error code: "system:2" created file failed. BR2......bgl not found."
so i will not use longer the Mytraffic-Airports. i will use the stock airports now. - Vector give updatet altitudes to stock airports,
the are OK now.
how to reset GSX to use stock airports?
a new-install and running auto-updater of GSX did not solve this problem. what i have to do to solve this?
sorry- i knew - bad english
thanks for answer. Thomas